Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Get off to a good start!


Have you made your New Year's resolutions yet? If you have, you might have resolved to become tidier, to start eating more healthily, to stop procrastinating or just to be nicer to people around you. Anything to feel happier and more self-confident. Whatever your good intentions are, share and comment the reason why you made your mind up. It can can be inspiring!


  1. My New Year's resolutions are the followings:
    I'm going to study to get good marks.
    I'm going to help more with the housework.
    I'm going to eat more vegetables.
    I'm going to do my homeworks every day.

  2. Ok, this new year I'm going to have good behaviour in class, because in 2016 I behaved badly. Also I'm going to do more sport, I'm going to study to get good marks and I'm going to learn more Russian.

  3. My resolutions to this New Year are the followings:
    I'm going to keep on stuying like now because my marks are very good.
    I'm going to be les absent-minded with the school items.
    I'm going to be more patient with people

  4. This year I'm going to be nicer to my family because sometimes I'm a bit annoying with my brother. Also, I'm going to stop procrastinanting about studies because I always start studying the day before the exam.

  5. My New Year's resolutions are:
    I'm going to do my homework everyday because I want to get good marks.Also I will win the Andalusia's Muay Thai championship.

  6. My New Year's resolutions are:
    I'm going to do my homework everyday because I want to get good marks.Also I will win the Andalusia's Muay Thai Championship.

  7. I´m going to study harder because I can get better notes.
    I will use a mobilephone just a little while because I´m addicted

  8. I´m going to study harder becase I can get better notes.
    I will use a mobilephone just a little while because I´m addicted

  9. This year is going to be complicated. This are my new year's resolutions.
    I will help my mother with the housework because she is very stressed.
    I'm going to learn to cook because I love it.
    I will get a girlfriend because I'm alone. ;(
    I will get my B1 certificate for my future work.
    I'm going to meet my friends more frecuently.

  10. Thoose are my New Year's resolutions:
    I'm going to study every day to have good marks.I'm going to be nicer to my young brother because I always annoy him.I'm going to stop procrastinating.

  11. My new year's resolutions are to study harder to get higher marks because I usually procrastinate everything. Also I will become better at my drawing because I know I can do better.

  12. My new year's resolutions are so special for me: I will meet peole, I am going to wake up earlier than last year because I was wasting the morning. I am going to do sport on holidays. I will study every day all learned this day to be more relax, I am going to speak English all time in class and I am going to eat more healthily

  13. My new Year's resolutions are as follows,I'm going to clean my room because when Ilook for somethin I can't find it, I'm going to do my homeworks every day and I'm going to study more to get good marks.I'm going to help more whit the housework and Iwill win the lottery to be become rich

  14. This new year I am going to be tider because I am always a little untidy.I am going to study more than last year to get better marks.I am going to do more sport and I am going to read some books because last year I read only a few books.

  15. I have to become tidier. I'm going to start eating more salad. I'mgoing to be nicer to my classmate and I'm going to study every day.

  16. I'm going to tidy my room and make my bed everyday because my parents always tell me that I have to do it but I don't pay attention. I think that I should help more at home so I will keep my clothes in the wardrobe and I will help my mother with the cooking. I will lay the table and I will cook the dinner.

  17. This new year I am going to study harder because I think I can get higher marks at school. Also I am going to pay more atenttion to lessons in class. I will try to help more at home activities because I don't usually do it, and my parents need help.

  18. I have some New Year's Resolutions for 2017:I have decided to be more concentrated when I'm doing somethig, to be less absent-minded and to be less slow when I'm doing things.That's all!!

  19. This year I want to be more responsible and to study more to improve my marks. I also want to do a lot of sport and to discover new places while I´m riding my bike. I am going to help my family at the home activities and I will try to visit my grandparents more often. I am going to thing positive and to treat my friends in a nicer way. I want to improve my English and to learn another language if possible.

  20. This year I will be a more friendly person.I want pass all subjects,even maths.So I am going to do all my homework and study.
    I want to learn to play volleyball.So I will train more frequently.I am going to help more to my parents in housework and I will try to use my mobile phone less.

  21. This year my new resolutions are more focused on hight school because i think i will improve.I want to get better marks because i failed four subjects.I will speak more English in class because the teacher told me i can speak more English.

  22. My New Year's resolutions:
    I am going to do more sport and eat more healthily because I want to be healthy.
    I am going to study hard and I will get good marks.
    I am going to read a lot of books because I love read, but I don't have much time.
    I am going to talk less in lessons because I get distracted a little.
    I am not going to repeat my mistakes again and I am going to have great time this year.

  23. My New Year's resolutions are:
    I am going to study more because last year, my marks was't very good.
    I am going to help my family with the housework because I usually don't help a lot.
    And finally, I am going to be tidier because i'm very untidy so it's time to be tidy!

  24. I´m not going to eat a lot of sweets
    I´m going to study more
