Sunday, January 29, 2017

Love, love love

What does love mean to you? Whose love is the most precious to you?

Buddha said: "You can search throughout the entire
universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."

That's not always easy, is it? How do you love yourself?


  1. Love is said to be the energy that moves the world. We wish it was the most sensed feeling worldwidely, but desafortunately, hatred is winnig the match. The world would flow some much more nicely if love was spread by everyone.
    But before love can be given to others, we have to learn how to love and respect ourselves. In order to achieve that we must accept ourselves as we are and build a well-defined personality that suits us, regardless what everyone thinks of us. The most precious love is the one that comes from your inner you.

    Celia Rodríguez Cabanillas y Fran Sivianes 1º Bach A

  2. Love is one of the way to be happy with yourself or with someone because you shall out with him or her your actual personality, you are ΅honest".
    LOve yourself is the most precious love to me because I think that you don't need someone close to you to be happy; if you love yourself, you wull be more "succesful", because you are focused on your life.
    It's easy; for example, teenagers always look for a person that's makes them happy but they don't know that the only people who are important for them are themselves.
    Actually, I am only working to build a good future and that makes me love myself.
    Israel Majarón Viveros. 1 BACH A

  3. I do not love myself because there are many things about me that I would change. If I were more studious for example, I would be a person with greater understanding and ability. If the things and the people that I appreciate were easier to understand for me, I would be more bearable. The people that I most appreciate are my family because they are the most important thing in my life. I think that if I were more handsome and more intelligent I would be a more attractive person.


  4. Love yourself is not always easy because sometimes we feel disapointed with ourselves or we feel bad for doing something we regret then. When we are sad we only want to see the negative side of whatever and we forget the most important thing, that's us.We always have to be proud of ourselves and if one moment of our lives we make a mistake we must learn from it but we can't allow that some fails in our life make us feel down because any of us is not perfect.We have to realise of how many we worth. If you think possitive and you love yourself against all odds your life will improve and you will feel better.

  5. In my opinion Love is the most important feeling. I think that If you want to love somebody, first you have to love yourself. Accept you as you are and forget prejudices. The most beautiful of people is inside them. We are created to love, to feel, to believe in people. And, obviously, if you give love somebody, somebody gives you love too. It's simple and easy, people moves to love, all things around you are love: films, books, parents, friends... Where do writers' love look for the inspiration? They find it in their families, friends and personal experiences. It's impossible to say which is the person that I love more because can I choose between my mother, my father, my brother, my friends? The love can't calculate, it is not objective... It is the most subjective feeling.
    So, If you want find love in yourself and in other people you just let yorself love.

    María José López García 1ºA

  6. Love yourself is not always easy, sometimes you feel a little depressed for some different reasons and you cannot be happy in this moment. Despite of this you must be proud of how you are and don´t pay attention to people because they sometimes comment about your life and they pretend hurt you.
    Finally you can love yourself being confident and always looking the positive part of everything. Maybe you feel better about youself doing good things to other people too.
    José Martín Medina 1ºbachA

  7. Love is an emotion that you feel when you are with your loved people , for example the love from my family its the most precious for me , they are always supporting me and I know that they are not going to hurt me . I am not a confidence person , I think I have a lot of defects and It is not easy love yourself , you always will see your faults . I dont love myself so much .

    Manuel Fernández Bravo 1º Bach A

  8. Álvaro Bernal Caunedo 1bach A

    Personally ,love is a sense very important in my life because most people use to build their lifes around it. The most precious love for me is my family love because they are always next to me and they treat me with sweetie. If you just love yourself , finally, you will feel depressed or alone. I think that the key of being happy is believing in yourself , loving yourself won´t make you stronger. I´m optimistic person and i believe in myself, if you believe in yourself you will be better making decisions.

  9. Personally, I can't describe love exactly. I think it's an emotion which include lots of different feelings. The most precious love for me is the love of my parents because they are the ones who will always love you and I believe that the love of parents is essential for every child. Although the loves or my parent is very precious for me, in my opinion the most important thing is to love your self,and that's not essay but people have to learn it because I think that is the first step to be happy and you can't love other people if you don't love yourself, so that's why people have to value theirself and love as they are. To love yourself you just have to start believing in yourself.

  10. Love in my opinion is the most important thing in the word. Well also health, but everyone need love because is one of the things that is essential in our lives. You can give love or to recibe love but a way to love you is respect your abilities and your disabilities. Personally at the moment I have a person that love me just like I am in all of my faces. The most important things is you need to believe in yourself, perhaps if you believe in yourself you can trust on you, and you can find a person that motivated to fight for your dreams like at the moment I have.

  11. Love is essential in my life.
    Human beings are different from the rest living things because of their well developed brain and their ability to feel, which others cannot do. It is vital for the society the development of some emotions such as love.
    I would say that the most precious love is your relatives'and friends'. In my case, I always try to treat them as lovely as they do to me because they obviously deserve it.
    Another important fact about love, maybe the most important one, is that everybody should love themselves as much as they love other people. It is necessary to love yourself as well as to believe in yourself because that's the key to go over every obstacle in your life.


  12. What does love mean to you?

    For me, love is a magical feeling that makes you feel special.

    Whose love is the most precious to you?

    The most precious love for me is the one that you give yourself, because if you do not accept your own love you can not accept the one that the others give to you.

    How do you love yourself?

    I love myself by believing in myself and listening only to my own opinions and those of people who really love me and care about me. I think that if you pay more attention to love than to be loved, you will receive love without realizing it and of course you will fell better with yourself.

  13. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2-1ºA

    I reckon that you are the only person in the world that knows every emotion that you have felt throughout your entire life. This feelings and memories makes us individual and unique and no one understand them better than us. It isn’t sometimes easy to love ourselves since society impose the way we must be and people usually don’t accept us if our personality or appearance aren’t like that. This means that we will not accept nor love ourselves. Due to this fact, you must behave like you feel you are; it doesn’t matter if people don’t agree with that.

    On the other hand, you also must find out love in people around you since we are social beings and we can’t live alone. Our happiness depends on us but it’s necessary to trust people that you love and this makes us happier.
