Sunday, January 29, 2017

Long long ago ...

... there was a brave woman who fought against segregation. Her name was Rosa Parks.

In 1955, she refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. She was arrested and fined for violating the law, but her lonely act of defiance began a movement that ended legal segregation in America, and made her an inspiration to freedom-loving people everywhere.

Some years later, a man had a dream. His name was Martin Luther King. Black and white people joined and sang together We Shall Overcome.

And now, more than sixty years later, what's happening in the world? Have a look at this and have your say.


  1. I´ve chose the image of the hands. I think that this image shows the union that humans should have with one other. In my opinion we are all equal and we should have the same rights. In some countries, black people are considered inferior than white people. We should fight for their rights. This is because of thier skin, but it also happens because of religion... human must be together in this and nobody could overcome us.

  2. I choose the image that shows black people in a demonstration to defend their fundamental rights because to me it symbolizes the recently obtained strength this movement had at that time, the bravery they had to overcome social rules and racism and fight for what they believed in -equality- although they knew they were going to be punished. Because ideas don´t die when you do.

  3. I´ve chosen the picture of two people with different colour shaking their hands. In my opinion it represents that all the people are equal and have the same rights. The colour of the skin shouldn´t be important. We mustn´t tolerate racism.
    Elena cantarero

  4. In my picture i can see an angry black man with a journal about freedom and equality , in the journal you can read ``our freedom cant wait ´´.
    i have chosen this picture because i think that it´s represent very well the ancient situation of USA ,black people were fighting for freedom and equality .

  5. I´ve chosen the image that it appears two hands shaking because it´s a great gesture of respect amongst people of different colours.It symbolizes the fight for the equality between all men in the world,because nowadays,in many countries,black people is denied for people´s majority and that shouldn´t continues.
    Adrián Fernández Úbeda 1ºA Bachillerato

  6. The image that I´ve chosen is the one where appear some black people in a queue with posters that says "I´m a man" because they fight for their freedom and the equality between black and white people. I am not in agreement with people who say that black people should be enslaved.

    Álvaro Bernal 1ºBach A

  7. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2-1ºA

    These pictures express a similar idea: equal rights between black and white people. In most pictures a multitude of demonstrators appear carrying banners related to equal rights. We can see that the people in there, aren’t just black ones, but White ones too. That’s due to they considere that both are human beings that should have the same rights; racial segregation is unfair. Building a better society is their common objective and they aren’t afraid of being punished.

    The pictures that has concerned me the most are, for example, the one in which we can see a line of black men, each one carrying a banner which says “I’m a man”. It simbolizes the aim in which they believe. There was another picture that focused a banner which said that protestant and catholic people were against this injustice. It didn’t matter your religión, job or beliefs because they were together supporting that strong idea.

    To conclude it is important to think that injustices can be eradicate but it’s necessary that everyone make an effort to change the world.

  8. I've chosen the photo of the pool where says ''public swimming pool, white only''.
    This reflects the way of thinking a few years ago. Some white people thought black people weren’t people because they were different. Because of this idea black people hadn't the same rights as white people and they were used as slaves.
    Fortunately, nowadays black people mostly have rights around the world. We all deserve rights and be treated as humans, irrespective of the color of our skin.

  9. I´ve chosen the image where the word "discriminate" was taken from a dictionary. I´ve chosen it because it is still a problem in our society. Even though long time ago slavery disapeared, black people need to be still fighting for they equality of rights. Nowadays there is less descrimination, however, little time ago a huge discrimination problem was happening, nazis killed thousands of Jewish during Hitler dictatorship.
    We´re all the same and we must have the same rights, because of that we have to fight discrimination and avoid it, punishing whoever do it.
