Thursday, March 14, 2019

School striking for the climate

This is the girl who took action. Will everything be about to start?


  1. I think that what this girl did is very brave, most if we have in count her age. I would like to say that this could be a new start for human race and we are about to change, but a I do not really think so. The principal problem, as usually, is the system, the capitalims. this systems promotes use things and do things that contributes to global warming. The clothes we buy is made in factories that emit large amounts of CO2, we buy objects made with plastic, everithing you buy usually is cover by plastics package. We must change the entire system if we want to change the situation. Is that or death. Is black or white.

  2. Global Warming or Climate change is the most important issue which we must care about. We need save energy, recycle and save resources to preserve our future. We must stop it!

    Temperatures had risen 0.5 to 1.1 degrees Celsius, this affect to the environment and the natural life. Political leaders of countries like USA do not care about it. Actually, Donald Trump has left the Paris Agreement. This is too bad for environment because USA is at the top of the carbon emissions all over the world. The first one is China.

    No one is acting like if were a real crisis!

    Lucas Lozano y Alejandro Martín

  3. Today is 15th of march and students and young people in general have been summoned for a demonstration started by this girl last year. The cause? The earth is being damaged by humans. And humans are the only solution.

    The global average surface temperature has increased by more than 1.6 degrees. The heat is melting glaciers and sea ice,shifting precipitation patterns, and setting animals on the move. This information isn’t new, but people tend to avoid these facts in order to avoid assuming that is our fault. Realizing the fact that as an entire society we are polluting our home can be overwhelming.

    I wish that people were aware of these facts in their daily life and that they did something about it. But the truth is that we don’t. We keep consuming our world’s resources as if they were unlimited, we keep raising our emissions of damaging gases, animals are still dying, forest are getting rarer and rarer. We haven’t started the real change, but what we should realize is that tomorrow might be too late.

    Paula Guerrero Leza 2ºB

  4. Will everything be about to start? That is not an easy question, because it does not depend on us, but the politicians. It will only change if the politicians want it to change. If we want a change we must demonstrate to make those politicians know that it is necesary.In the video she talks about reducing emissions so the temperature does not increase even more. That means we have to stop using fosil fuels and start using renowable energies like the energy from sun or wind. But if we start doing that, some countries like Saudi Arabia, will lose a lot of money so that do not interest the goverment. She tells that if a single person can be a headline just for not going to school two weeks, the whole world can change politic's mind, so we must start doing something before it is too late.

    Alberto Benítez & Manuel Delgado

  5. It may be about to start but we do not really know it because no one really cares about the issue.Everybody knows there is a big problem related to the climate change, but nobody took action until this girl started the demonstration. She did not go to school, staying in front of the parliament.

    This was in order to make the point that going to school was not important if 20 years from now, the earth will be totally polluted. We, the people of today must think about future generations who will live in our world.

    We have to do the same as Getta and look for an immediate solution, because we are in 2018 and in the next 30 years the world will be in worse conditions.

    Elena Jiménez Payán 2ºB bach

  6. To start with, I believe the problem is not going to be solved because nobody really cares about it. What I mean is that politicians always talk about the climate change and its consequences but they do not even promote real posible solutions.

    I think that this problem is not going to be solved unless each of us take action individually. We cannot wait the politicians to lift a finger. This is because they just cares about earning money. For example: selling petroleum, which pollutes the environment or not limiting the gases emissions of the factories.

    We all have to complain about the situation and try to find an immediate solution, as Greta does. This way, we may save the planet.

    Ana Iglesias González 2B bach

  7. Nowadays, it is a fact that the emissions that come from the industrial activities, as well as the ones we produce in our own daily lives, are increasing the effects of global warming and climate change. As Greta said in her TED talk, politicians and the vast majority of people are conscious of this situation, but nobody dares to take the step.

    It looks as if the important people on charge of these difficult issues are waiting to a catastrophe to happen, when every measure taken will not be enough to stop the problem. The difficulties come directly from the governments. It is essential to change some of the laws in order to make the great industries decrease their emissions and waste.

    What is more, society can also help by changing or reducing their own impacts to the environment. I think that due to social media and other resources, a great quantity of young people like Greta are starting to realize how damaging the current situation is and are taking action in loads of demonstrations and campaigns in order to make the high position people realize that it is vital to introduce measurements.

    To sum up, it is my opinion that the change will take place soon, as a higher number of young people that are worried about their future is starting to take the step.

    Alicia Rodríguez Romero

  8. It´s true that climate change is something natural and that we have made some achievements related to ecology, in addition, have found many different energy sources more environmentally friendly than fossil fuel but I don't think that we are truly going forward with it.

    The main problem that won’t make it work is our economic system, we depend on this type of energy and governments don’t have the intention to change it, they believe that technology will find the solution in the future, we are even trying to set up a colony in Mars before trying to stop this disaster
    Secondly, global warming isn’t something new, it was stated in 1896 for the first time when we started to use fossil fuel.

    Other problem is that climate change hasn´t obvious marks: the gases that cause global warming, such as carbon dioxide and methane, are colourless, while impacts are slow-paced and not always visually striking so people are not really concerned about that.

    Maybe if the citizens tried to work on it a little, as much as we can, this process would be slowlier, but I don’t really think that we the ones who really have the power to stop it.

  9. The climate change has been a real fact since 19th century. Humans have studied the problems and they have many solutions, but no one with enough resources has been worried about doing something.
    However, too many people try to make a small contribution making associations and events to aware others about the dangers of these changes and even children are trying to do their best to have a better life.
    Neverthless, a child's voice is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen and climate change must stop.

  10. I don’t think that the change will be about start. Scientifics have already warned us. Arrhenius in 1896 was the first to say that fossil fuels are limited, he also makes the relation between carbon dioxide and the atmosphere temperature predicting green house effect. As well as Malthus with natural resources and population. Nowadays we have an uncontrolled system, sadly the use of resources still growing exponentially.

    In 1987 Brundtland report was redacted, it means that the rich countries was warned about the uncontrolled system and were proposed to change into a sustainable development system. Ecology has been developed last years, but their ways of obtain energy are expensive and the politicians prefer to pay the high price of ruin the environment. It is true that there are some actions taken, but they are not enough as this girl said in her speech.

    In short, we have to change the system. We already have the ways to correct our big mistake we only need want to do it. Now we are on time to save the Earth and all of us are responsible to do it or not to do it.

    Ignacio Pérez 2º Bach A

  11. The fact that a teenager worries about climate change is making that many people talk about that. However, I don't think factories or cars will stop emitting gases to the atmosphere. We aren't going to stop using plastic and throw it to the river or the ocean.
    In my opinion, people is sharing Greta's speech and that makes them feel better, but they won't do anything else to change the situation.
    Unfortunetly, climate change is a problem that won't be solve in a long time.

    Clara-Luz García Mena 2ºBach A.

  12. Greta Thunberg is a 15 years old swedish girl who decided to speak up for our planet's future. She explains that she first heard about climate change when she was 8. She couldn't believe even though we knew we were destroying our planet no one did anything to stop it. This year, she decided to take action and went on strike.

    There has been some controversy about whether a school's strike is the right way to address the problem. In our opinion, it is. We're not talking enough about this issue. As she said in the video, we’re running out of time, and unless we act now, there won’t be anything to do in the future to save ourselves. Politicians must do something about this, they must listen to the scientists and put the necessary means in order to solve this problem. However, it seems like they won’t do anything if we don’t make them hear us.

    In our opinion, Greta Thunberg is right: the climate crisis has already been solved by the scientists, the only thing left is to take action and implement real mesures, bearing in mind that the developed countries are those who must reach the zero emissions goal in 6 to 12 years, so as to allow the other countries to build the infrastructures we already have (climate equity).

    In conclusion, we all know there is a problem, we just don't want to see it. It's time to take responsibility for our actions and do whatever is needed to solve it.

    Ana Bueno Vega and Adriana Iturralde Gutiérrez - 4 ESO B

  13. Like the swedish girl has said only with hope, we won't get anything, we have to act. This video could make the world aware of the change it needs but only if the video is seen and heard by a big amount of people. If it is not promoted enough, nothing will be achieved. People must know the effects of this problem and empathize with future generations because of the consequences that can bring them. Then and only then, change will come.

  14. Greta Thunberg is a Swedish girl who fights against climate change and tries to make people conscious about our planet’s situation. She tells how this issue affects her, as well as the rest of humanity, but we don’t do anything to stop it.
    Due to the situation lived in her country, she got depression and ended up being diagnosed OCD and Asperger syndrome. She was shocked when heard that humans are able to solve the problem, as anybody was taking action. For this reason, she decided doing whatever she could to convince people to start making a change.
    As she says in the speech, lots of species are in ways of extinction and our CO2 emissions have to be reduced if we want to live longer and better. She explains that we have the solutions, but we don’t want to apply them. Personally, I feel same because I usually see people throwing litter to the ground or disrespecting nature without thinking in global consequences.
    This video is becoming viral and has been watched in all parts of the world. Thanks to that, there have been lots of demonstrations and it seems as if people were aware of the problem and wanted to solve it improving the measures against pollution. I really think this is the beginning of a big change and we can achieve our goals. Obviously, to reach them “we need action more than hope”.

    Estrella Pérez Tavero 2ºA Bach

  15. In my opinion, it has always started, although hidden by politicians.
    Climate change has become the biggest problem in our society, and is not just a situation of this year or last year, but for a century ago (or more).
    I totally agree with the girl in the video, even though this problem was previously present due to natural catastrophes. In fact, it is human beings who are causing the biggest problems.
    And most of those who rule or lead in this world chose to ignore climate change. This is truly sad, but thanks to people like Greta Thunberg, people realize the problem we are facing and that is why I think everything has started.

    Angela Wang

  16. As Greta Thunberg said at the Ted Talk, we always watch the climate change issue on TV, but we never really talk about it.

    The truth is that we are living a real crisis, and no one is acting like if we were on it. And the fact that makes me sad the most is that we have the solutions to make the change, but we don’t make it because we don’t want to. Instead of that, we prefer to avoid the problem like it doesn't exist, but it does.

    In conclusion, the solution will not come alone. All people in the world need to make a change and stop saying that everything will be okay and that the problem will be solved, because if we don’t take action now, in a few years will be too late.

    Carmen Fernández León. 2º BTO B
