Friday, April 12, 2019

Materialist or visionary?

What is the road to success in your opinion? Do you share Gianna's views or experiences?


  1. As Gianna said, I think that success is very relative and each person gives it a different meaning.

    In my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than working on what you love and feeling happy with it. What is more, I can’t imagine my future working or studying a degree that I am not interested in just because a matter of money.

    In spite of this fact, I am not going to be hypocrite, if I were well-paid doing what I love, that would be perfect. But if I had to choose, I would prefer doing what I love and having an standard salary than having a job I hate and being very well p

    Carmen Fernández León
    2ºBTO B

  2. This 'Ted Talk' talks about the road to success. In my point of view, I fully agree with Gianna’s opinion. What is more, I believe that nowadays, there are two kind of people: the ones who think money buys happiness and the other ones who conforms with following her passion, despite it does not have much success.

    Furthermore, I reckon that parents have an influence on us. What is more, most of them try to lead our way to success, as they want a steady future where money is guaranteed although happiness is not included in it.

    In conclusion, I believe that everyone should have the freedom to choose their future without any condition and should not be influenced by others although it does not make a lot of money, because the happier lifestyle you have, the more successful you will feel.
    Noelia Díaz Rodríguez 2º Bach. B

  3. What is the road to success in your opinion? Do you share Gianna's views or experiences?

    Success is what everyone looks for in their lives, and there are a lot of ways to get it. Gianna show us how she wants to be successful. She says that she want to follow their dream and be happy, and I'm completely agree with her.

    I think that you must be happy with what you do every day and, if you're really good at what you do and if you work hard to make your dreams come true, money and all the material things will come.
    It may sound too much idealistic, but it's not. Most of the influential people on this days came from humble beginnings.A really good exampleof this is Eminem,one of the best rappers in history, grew up in a very poor family. Nobody gave him anything, and with hard work and also talent, he has become what he wanted,and if he has done it, why we can' make it too?

    Manuel Delgado Gallardo

  4. From the very beginning, everybody support us to study a degree with professional labour future. Because of this, I believe society is materialist. It is generally accepted that people choose a job based on how much they are paid. Consequently, professional careers such as humanities, music or dancing are discredited.

    However, the fact is that they do not realise that money don’t makes us feel happy. You could be a millionaire person without being happy. For example, many people spend their lives working on something which doesn’t passionate them so as to have a good salary.

    Finally, I share her opinion of following your heart in terms of reaching happiness. I believe success is a highly individualized concept. No one could define your own success. As a result, I think I am a visionary person.

  5. I think that people should study what they make them happy, but I don’t agree with Gianna. It’s true that you have to pursue your passion to reach success at life, but we ought to be realistic. As I see only a few people can engage in arts because it is very difficult to get a stable job and to earn enough money. We live in a capitalist world where money is needed to get food, home, clothes, etc. If you don’t have your basic items, you cannot be happy. For me happiness is the base of success at life.

    I strongly believe that you have to work hard to get whatever you want, but sometimes there are many people working hard and only the best can achieve success. To sum up, we should try to get a profession that make us happy and that allow you to make money.

    J. Ignacio Pérez López

  6. Gianna explains two ways to reach happiness: one is by looking for success, and the other is following what your heart dicts.
    As she says, materialists are concerned about making money instead of being comfortable with their job. These people want to become rich, and they forget there are more important issues in life. Usually, when they have a great amount of money, they don’t care about things they have or they just neglect them, because they can buy a new one whenever they want.
    In my humble opinion, aiming happiness is the best way to be glad with our lives, despite the fact that in some cases - as in arts - this supposes a big struggle or the difficulty of making a living. This way of life makes people learn some values, like the importance of sacrifice, hard-working or gratitude. The essence of life is enjoying what we do, much more if we repeat that action everyday. However, I personally reckon that although we don't need lots of money to survive, it is easier to be happy if we are able to make ends meet without many troubles.

    Estrella Pérez Tavero, 2°A Bach.

  7. As Gianna says, there are two types of people: the ones who are materialists and think that money buys happiness and others who are visionaries and do what they are passionate about.
    I agree with some ideas, like fighting for your dreams that make you happy and comfortable. However, sometimes you have to have the resources to do it or succeed.
    In my opinion, you should try to achieve your goals and make them part of your life, or if you are lucky, dedicate yourself to it; but sometimes you have to do things that you do not like very much to improve your standard of living.

    Paula Forero Pastor 2°Bach A
