Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 7th, a date to remember

On March 7, 1965—the day now known as Bloody Sunday—a group of civil rights activists were brutally attacked by members of law enforcement during a peaceful march across Edmund Pettus Bridge. 
To learn about what, where and why that happened read this article.
Do you think something similar could happen today? Discuss in teams and submit your comments.


  1. On March 7, 1965 a group of civil rights activists were attacked by police officers while they were marching peacefully across the Edmund Petus Bridge.
    The activists wanted to speak up against racism, as many African Americans in the Southern states were facing voter suppression: Many black people couldn’t exercise their right to vote unless they paid a poll tax or took a literacy test, whereas white voters didn’t have any of these requirements. This situation was denounced, but nothing changed. On February 18, 1965, a state trooper shot a civil rights activist to death during a demonstration. After that, activists decided to march from Selma to Montgomery, the capital city of Alabama. On March 7, 1965, six hundred demonstrators were attacked by police officers and state troopers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge,and they were forced to retreat.
    Nowadays, it seems we no longer need to fight injustices like this, but, unfortunately, that’s not totally true. In the US, there are still issues with voting rights, as some native americans are not able to vote, due to the voting laws’ requirements. Also, many black people have been injured or killed by police officers in recent years, even though they were not armed. Of course, police violence is not only a problem in the US, but also in many other countries around the world, where human rights activists and demonstrators are brutally repressed on account of their political ideas. In our opinion, it’s true that progress has been made in this matter, but there is still a long way ahead of us.
    Ana Bueno Vega and Adriana Iturralde Gutiérrez.

  2. On March 7, 1965, a group of black civil activists were bruttally attacked by members of law enforcement during a peaceful march,the activists decided to step up their efforts to protest about their right of voting because only black people that could pay for vote, could vote, but people that were poor didn't have the right to vote so they decided to make a type of protest march to change this political rule but members of the law enforcement killed all those people that attemped to change this problem, the day of the facts was on Sunday and the blood of those people left all the ground full of blood and broken dreams...
