Sunday, January 13, 2019

Your life upside down

Can you imagine?


1 comment:

  1. I’ve found this video really interesting, as it summarises very well the current situation of refugees. In my opinion, the European Union isn’t addressing this problem as it should, and as a European citizen I’m ashamed of our politicians’ attitude towards these people. As the video says, we must remember that not so long ago, the ones seeking asylum in other countries were our parents and grandparents. For example, during Franco’s dictatorship my grandfather was imprisoned. He could get out of jail to wait for his trial, and he and my grandmother managed to flee the country. They went to live in France, where my father was born, and they didn't return until the amnesty, in 1977. When our relatives were escaping injustice and persecution, they were offered shelter. Now it’s time to return the favour.
