Wednesday, February 21, 2018

From egg to animal

"What came first: the chicken or the egg?"
That's an unsolved dilemma, but is it only the chicken? Learn about other animals coming from eggs clicking here and reading this interesting article. You can discuss it in your science class.


  1. I did't know that there is a mammal animal that lay eggs.

    1. I did not know that snakes protected their eggs.
      I thought he just buried his eggs in the sand.

    2. The blue eggs are incredible i didn't know they existed

    3. I didn't know that the ostrich is the biggest bird

  2. I didn't know that an ostrich egg weight that. I knew it weights more than a chicken egg, but I didn't know it was that.

  3. I think the egg came first because the riddle doesn't say what kind of egg it is.It can be a fish egg.

  4. I want to eat an omelette of these eggs . I think it will be delicious.

  5. The argument is every interesting and is perfect for a science class. With that information you can learn so much. I recomend it for other childrens to read it.

  6. I see something egg strange in a photograph because I've never seen a blue egg and it's so beautiful, other thing is that I don't know how can a snake lay eggs ,but there's something that I already know it's about the ostrich egg, because I've eaten one ostrich egg omelet, it was huge and all my family ate from it
