Thursday, February 8, 2018

White roofs for green schools

Such an easy way, isn't it?


  1. I would definitely say that the solution proposed is the best way to save money as well as to slow climate change. This solution consists of transforming the dark rooftops to bright white ones.
    In Spain, it would be absolutely doable, it is cheap and our climate, especially Andalucía's climate, is normally hot so white rooftops would help to keep buildings cooler during summer. They are environmentally-friendly as they reduce greenhouse gases, they are affordable as the cost is not expensive at all compared to the amount of money that would be saved thanks to the reduction of electricity use that would be developed.
    This solution has just advantages, so it should be done as soon as posible.

  2. In my opinion i think that this idea of putting white roofs works only in the south and west part of Spain because in these parts of Spain it is sunny most days of the year but in the northern part of Spain it would not work or not it would be very useful because in these places it rains or is cloudy many days of the year

  3. From my point of view this technique could be perfect for Spain schools and it could be implanted very easily.
    As the video says, coating the roof of schools prevents classrooms from overheating, with the consequent save of money in electricity because of a decrease in the need of air conditioner. What´s more with this measure, those schools which doesn’t have air conditioning yet will not need to install them because they will no longer be necessary. When it comes to painting it I think it would not be a problem because students could do it with the supervision of a teacher. The only thing I find to be troubling is to convince the Government to provide schools with public money to buy the coat, because it implies a change on the budget which would need to be approved, and judging by the current situation this would be very hard to achieve.

    Fran Sivianes Ramírez 2ºBach A

  4. In my opinion it is a great idea, but would it be efficient in Spain?
    Each day we hear a lot of comments about the urgency of save our planet. There are many environmental problems and we haven’t enough solutions. But the idea of the lecture is original and double. In fact, I think that it would be efficient in Spain.
    Firstly, most areas of our country have many sunny days in a year. And in a lot of this days, students have to work in conditions that get worse their efficiency. With cool roofs, we could finish with this problem. So my first argument is that this system would be efficient because it is a solution for a problem in our education system.
    Secondly, the government doesn’t invest in education. But, according to the lecturer, this idea can save money. Although the government doesn’t give enough money, if we find a system to save money (like white roofs) we can invert in others different projects and we can get not spend a lot in energy.
    So, in my opinion, an idea that inprove our educational system and help us to get money to improve other problems, and also help to save our planet, is an alternative really efficient.


  5. I think it would be efficient for several reasons:
    First, our climate is similar to Florida, the heat is unbearable and this resource could help us to lower the temperature of our home without pressing the air conditioning button.
    In addition, it is available to everyone because it is very cheap, and more if it is a block of flats.
    Finally, it is important to do everything possible to take care of our planet and leave our children a good place to live. Will we be able to get it?

    María José López García 2ºA

  6. This simple idea is fantastic, the rooftop can help us to save a lot of money and to reduce the pollution. In Spain , I think it could be a good choice if we apply this, because we have a lot of sunny days , (specially in the south of Spain) even if it isnt as profitable as in EEUU, the rooftop would be very useful

  7. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2 - 2ºA

    Nowadays, in Spain, education is one of the most controversial topics. It has a hot climate and, moreover, 40ºC can be reached easily in regions at South as Andalucía in Spring and Summer. On the other hand, there are places were cold is a severe problem too.

    One way or another, we have to waste our energy to have a good temperature. This can reduce the power consumption. But, what is really controversial is that there aren’t ways to overcome these difficulties like air conditioner at schools. If we installed these white roofs, we could improve students’ comfort. Although it can be expensive at the beginning, it will be worthy in the long-term.

  8. Nowadays we live in a world that needs our help but we are immerse in a society whose main concern is the economy. We have good intentions to improve the environment and to reduce the global warming but many projects are not carried out due to the amount of money needed to do that.
    In my opinion the proposal of do white roofs for green schools is a very good idea. Like the woman says, is something cheaper and simple that people can do and it seems to be a good method to decrease the environmental impact.
    Here in Spain,I think it´s a perfect solution because we have many hours of sun and the clime it´s too hot,almost in Seville.If change the roof of the schools to a white color give results I want this for my school because in addition to help our environment it reduces the temperature of the school and it would be good almost for summers and at the same time, this in turn causes a saving of money in electricity. So I believe that it would be absolutly good for our country and that it could work perfectly helping to solve the problem that affects the whole planet.

  9. Would it work in Spain?

    First, I would like to say that it’s incredible that such a simple idea may be so rentable and could work efficiently. Instead of using money to maintain the heat of the classes, it could be used in other ways.

    Replying to the question posed, I really think it would work in certain places of Spain, for instance in the coastline cities –because most of the time there is a clear weather and this idea can be more profitable-. However, when it comes to other places less sunny I think that the investment in changing all the roofs wouldn’t be so rentable.

    Anyways, whatever helps to reduce the expenses and increase the budget must be welcome, just like this idea.


  10. I think that this idea would be very useful in the south part of Spain. The north part isn´t as sunny as the shouth part, so it wouldn´t do a big difference on saving energy.

    The south part is sunny almost the whole year, and, as a matter of fact, it is really hot, so schools overheat. To cool them you need to either turn on the air conditioner or the fan spending energy that could be saved by using this method.
    I don´t think that painting the roof in white would prevent the overheating in the classroom enough. I think that we would still waste some energy in refreshing them but it would help us to reduce the power consumption, beacouse we wouldn´t need as much energy as we need now to keep the classrooms at a good temperature.


  11. Spain would be a perfect place to paint roofs and surfaces of buildings with white painting.As the researcher explains in the video, she came across with this excellent idea but the impact of it could be huge if everybody contribute. Painting roofs wiht white painting is a super cheap way for reducing global warming and pullution. In a bright surface, the sun rays would reflect and they wouldn´t overheat the building.These are only some of the effects of this great idea.
    As the Spanish people know, the weather in Spain is so hot during the whole year in almost every zones of the country. In summer, it can reach almost 40 degrees of average and this method could solve some of the enveromental problems like greenhouse effect or global warming.
    In my opinion, Spain is one of the best countries to try this simply enveromental solution because its hot temperature during the entire year. WIth education in schools, in the future more and more houses will be painted with white painting, contributing to reduce pollution,to increase renewable energy, to reduce greenhouse effects but above all, making this planet a better place to live.

  12. In my opinion the idea that the video is about it
    is something that could help to reduce global warming in our country, and as the woman of the video says is simple, cheap and doable.
    Apart from this, Spain would be one of the best countries to do it, since their climate is perfect for this (most days are sunny days).
    Finally I think that we should support this idea because I also think that one simple solution can make a huge change.
    José Martin 2A bach

  13. It is known that Spain is one of the hottest countries, at least, in Europe. Lots of days it´s sunny and hot up to the point that in regions like Andalusia the extreme temperatures in summer are a serious problem. Because of that, I think that of course it would be efficient, we can reduce pullution with that simple, cheap and doable solution so, in my opinion, the real question is, why hasn´t it been done yet?

  14. In my opinion it's a really good idea to start doing this project here in Spain.

    We have the perfect condition to make it effective: to have a sunny climate. There are many days of sun and there are also many schools to paint.

    In addition, we are not very concious about the damage we do to our environment consuming such a huge amount of energy. And since it doesn't seem to me that people will suddenly change and start reducing the energy they consume, it could be an adequate way to both start helping our environment and start to make people concious about the problem we have.

  15. it is such a simple idea that it's hard to believe that nobody realized it before. I think that this great idea could be used by not only for schools or public buildings. if i had a home, i would paint my roof of white if by this way i save money. And i would bet i am not the only one. I hope more and more schools started using this idea, specially in spain and another countries where in the hottest months it is really hard to focus on anything with 35 or 40 degrees.

  16. In my opinion the autor's idea which is painting the roofs of schools in whithe is correct because it help us to save on or economize energy, but I think that it wouldn't be only in schools and it ought to be in all of buildings so we economize more than if we only do it in schools.

  17. Whitecoding roofs is something I had never thought of, and I have to admit how surprised I am right now after knowing the indisputable positive consequences they could make. However, something she said at the very end (min. 5:52) is, in my opinion, a huge mistake: making it become a nationwide project.

    To begin with, we all know the huge climate variability the USA has among its different states. So, if we set this system in the whole nation, in the coolest areas buildings’ temperatures would extremely decrease and, obviously, schools could not take advantage of the little solar rays they receive.

    Moreover, as a federal nation, the USA does not have a federal organisation in terms of architecture, but a statewide one, and architectural arrangements are completely different - probably some techniques of construction could not allow such developments.

    So, to conclude, I propose to decide whether to whitecode buildings or not according to their climate characteristics and their internal architectural structure. After that, the project could even be, in my opinion, a worldwide development.


  18. Scientists from the Arizona State University (USA) have published a study in which they claim that painting the roofs of white houses to combat warming modifies the regional hydroclimate.

    The basic idea of ​​this video is this, to paint the white roofs of schools to lower the temperature inside and make more comfortable the learning of children in hot weather.

    It is a good way to solve the problems of high temperatures in schools that have less budget. It is a cheaper solution with many advantages. This will reduce heat shocks that are very common in hot weather, so this small aesthetic change can mean a big change in the level of education.

    Mario Manzano Garcia 2ºB

  19. The talk is about the initiative to paint the roofs of schools in white, because the white color reflects the light and makes the roofs have a lower temperature. In this way, schools can save money to buy school supplies, etc.

    I am in favor of this initiative because working will be more comfortable and it’s good for the environment, because we won’t use air conditioners and we will save energy.

    In conclusion, it’s a very simple and cheap project, which only has advantages.

  20. From my point of view,It depends on the zone of spain.
    On the one hand,I think that this idea would be applicable in schools located in regions which have a sunny climate,for example the south of spain,because the sun appears the most time of the year.
    On the other hand,I think that this idea wouldn´t be applicable in schools established in territories which have a rainy weather,for example the north of spain,because the sun is not present the mayority time of the year and,as a consequence,the sun rays couldn´t be profited.
    Adrián Fernández Úbeda 2ºA Bachillerato

  21. In Spain, the use of white roofs produces a great saving of energy, due to the high temperatures that we have in summer, because this color reduces the heat transfer inside the house and produces clarity causing a lower expenditure of electricity. So I think it would be very useful in Spain and it is a way to fight against global warming. Antonio Jose Moya Campos

  22. As I see it, we should carry out that idea because one of the reasons is that we reduce the global warming and the money, and that money could be use for other more useful things as she said. Another good reason is that it is very cheap because what we only have to do is paint the roofs.

    We can apply that idea in Spain, considering that it is one of the most sunny countries, but it isn't useful in countries with a cold weather.

    In conclusion we can say that even not being useful in all countries, it can improves the global warming and the economy.

  23. I think this idea could be used here in Spain too, most of all in Andalucia, because one of the biggest problems that have the schools it's the hight temperature that can be reached in summer that leave two options for them: spend a huge amount of money in something to keep the schools cooler or don't do anything and leave that money for more important things. Thanks to this idea this will be no more a problema and slow also the climate change making it worth even for cities like Madrid that had recently some problems with the pollution it was making
