Sunday, September 13, 2020

Back to school, exciting or worrying?

 Teenagers around the world are coming back to school in totally new circumstances. How do they feel about it?


  1. I think that coming back to school is exciting and worrying at the same time. We can see our friends again and meet them more frequently, but the number of posibilities of getting infected is higher, too. Not being careful enough would lead us to another confinement.

  2. Welcome back to the school is always exiting because you see all your friends daily or maybe is your last year, but now with Corona virus is a bit stressful because always we must wear mask, sanitate our hands and keep the social distance so I think welcome back to the school is a mix of both of them.

  3. I think it is both of them. I was excited to go back to school and see the teachers and my friends in person, but I am also worried because I do not want to get infected or, if I have the virus, infect others.

  4. In my opinion, being back to school is exciting. I think that if you follow the rules setted, there shouldn't be any problem. Obviously we have to make an effort and don't do anyting that could put us in danger, like not wearing mask or not respecting the security distance.

  5. I think coming back to school is both exciting and worrying. On the one hand I wanted to come back to school because after six months I was bored and needed my routine back. But on the other hand it is really possible that schools are going to become a place where people get infected. Not everyone acts responsibly and it's almost impossible to follow the rules against the virus because there are too many people.

  6. For my this year is exciting and worrying. It´s exciting becouse I´ve been six months without seeing my friends and I´ve missed them so much.
    And It´s worrying becouse I have grandparents and also my mum is at risk, and come to school without all the metodes makes me feel insecure.

  7. Although it is exiting seeing my friends again, going back to school worries me because inside the classrooms are many people and if one gets infected by the virus it would spread it everywhere and we do not have enough security measures against the virus in the high school.

  8. I think that this year back to school has been, on the one hand, exciting because after months of virtual classes the students wanted to see their friends and to take classes where they can really learn.
    On the other hand, due to being so many people together inside the schools, we are all worried about the great infections that may occur if things are not done well.
    This year is going to be different but we must learn to study in this way as best we can.

  9. I feel worried about going back to high school because I don't know if any of my classmates have had contact with someone infected, but I am also excited because it is my last year in high school and also because I can see my friends.

  10. The first day of school I was escited because I hadn't been there since March, when the quarentine started. Right now I am worried, not only because if the virus, but because getting locked in our houses in the most important school year. I know there are alternatives to normal classes like online classes but I think we all agree on one thing : we can't compare an online class staring at our computers with being at school with our teachers and friends.

  11. Lola Ramos: I'm worried about back to school. This course is so important to me and I think that the quality of the classes will be lower than other years. maybe I'll get too obsessed with the cleanliness of the classroom...
