Thursday, March 5, 2020

An animal lover?

Do you know that in some parts of the world there are creatures so odd and rare that many people don’t even know they exist?
Here is a list of some of the strangest animals around the world. Have a look at them, choose one and post a comment with its description for your classmate to guess.


  1. It live in Solomon Island. It is glow both red and green. This is the first documented case of a glowing reptile in the wild

  2. The pangolin is similar to armadillo, he lives in some parts to Asia and America.It has a specially tongue to eatants and termites.When the pangolin can not run away it roll over.It is very small, but he can protect himself very well.

  3. The Sun Fish lives in tropical and temperate water.Is the heavest bony fish in the world,an adult maxing out at two tons.The Sun Fish is an exotic creature in Japan,Korea and Tawai.

    This animal lives in Rusia,Kazakhstan and Urbekistan.The Saiga antelope has got a large and flexible nose and eats some plants.In may of 2015 more than 120000 Saiga antelope were found dead.
