Monday, December 10, 2018

Human Rights, 70 years


  1. Since the beginning of the last century, the world has shown an increasingly important concern about Humans around the world. What is more, they signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 in order to show how important is an equality between humans of different cultures. Although all the humans’ rights are written there, there are some articles which people do not accomplish, such as the article 1 which says that ‘ We are born free and equal, and should treat others in the same way’. But, What can we do to fight against that? Unfortunately, we can not create a new law which says that we must treat others better, because some people tend to break it as it is written in an official paper. However, Spanish citizens should develop a multicultural knowledge but, how can we do it? Firstly, institutions should provide a suitable education in order to make people be aware of the environment around them and to help to include them into society. That is why there should be subjects which educate little children and teenagers to respect people’s culture, religion, habits, etc. This would be essential to decrease the racism and homophobia present in our nowadays society, despite there are some people who think that these facts have disappeared.

    Noelia Díaz Rodríguez 2º Bach. B

  2. As we can see in the video, the human rights are a group of benefits and liberties that belong to every person in the world. It doesn’t matter someone’s nationality or ethnicity, all human being should have these rights in order to preserve their dignity and independence, as well as equality regarding to others. Most of the human rights are related due to the fact that they stand up for the same idea. I reckon that we could highlight some of them that are clearly interconnected.

    To begin with, the rights number 3 ‘’we have the right to life, and to be free and feel safe’’ and 14 ‘’if someone hurts us, we have the right to go to another country and ask for protection’’ show that it is essential that everyone live in the best conditions. They should feel safe and be free to express themselves and if it’s not possible because of war or other issues, they have the right to ask for help or protection in other country. Nowadays, this is the case of thousands of people that are being forced to leave their homes in order to keep on with their lives and future goals.

    Another linked rights could be number 26 ‘’we all have the right to education’’ and 21 `` […] every grown up should be allowed to vote to choose their own leaders’’. I think that it is important to receive a proper education so that people could be able to understand what leaders offer. In addition to this, they could come to the conclusion of who is most likely to improve or develop some of the country’s aspects.

    To sum up, it seems that the only way to make sure that the essential ones are being followed is that all of us claim them to be respected. In the case that some of us witness an inappropriate display that risks someone’s integrity, we should report against it.

  3. Human rights are one of the most important steps that society took after second world war, this declaration although is not binding I believe that the conscience that created is really important.
    This rights are obviously related, for example the ones which state about laws and trials are all related because if as the right number 6 says “Everyone has the right to be protected by the law” as this goes none has the right to humiliate, hurt or torture us (right 5).
    This relation extends in to right number 25 which says “We all have the right to a decent living standard, including enough food, clothing, housing and medical help if we are ill. Mothers and children and people who are old, out of work or disabled have the right to be cared for” this right basically persuades the social welfare that should be implemented for every one in this world, this includes many other rights on this declaration too.

    Guarantee every single one of these rights is almost impossible in my opinion, looking to all the resources that are needed for maintaining them, makes almost an utopia to believe that they could be respected all over the world.
    With this been said, I think that even though some of this statements are impossible, other ones are essential to come into effect, and those are the ones which need less resources they just need a change of mindset from governments.
    To sum up I believe that trying to follow strictly every single one of the human rights, is now a days almost impossible, but there are some of them which could be implemented all around the world, and doing this would mean an extraordinary change in our society.


  4. Make the Human Rights true for all is a difficult task. I think that this is due to the hypocrisy of most people, because people know what is the fair way and which things are great for all and which things are great only for them. So they are selfish because they want to do things that benefit them (directly or indirectly) even if they do not respect the rights of others. A part of people are unfair to others and do not respect their rights because they follow the example of others.

    I propose that new laws be created and them punish people who do not respect the rights of others and who benefit those who suffer these situations. It is true that there are already laws for equality of rights but they still do not respect, so I think that there must be new laws and make harder those that are already. For example, if a woman has a salary lower than a man's salary when they are doing the same job, her boss will be fired and that woman will be rewarded with all the money she had not earned, and her boss will have to pay a mulct.

    The first thing that you have to do before thinking about how to act is to inform you about Human Rights, where they are not respected, which are the least respected rights, etc. When you are already informed about this topic, you can try to help by collecting signatures, support groups that fight to defend them or propose laws like the previous one. If young people do not fight for these causes we will never get our rights respected.

  5. The Human right I think that is not obeyed is the number 7, which says: “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination”.
    In my opinion, not everybody is treated in the same way. For example politics who steal millions of euros from the estate or big enterprises, who and are not tried, the case is closed or have a really small punishment in comparison what they did.
    While this happens, there are sentences of years of jail for someone who is as desperated that cannot do nothing that steal something to get food for his children. I do not think that should not be punished, but not that hard in comparison with those politics or big enterprises.

  6. According to the nineteenth article of Universal Declaration of Human Rights everybody can think what we like, say what we think and share ideas and informations with other people. But in spain there is a law called Mordaza that doesn't allow an attack on expression, peaceful assembly and information.
    Well, in my opinion I don't think we have to change this law beacause it is only approved when it cames to something seriously bad so it is useful. There are lots of people that have an aggressive speech that could trigger to something worst such as fights.
    I agree with all the articles in this Human Rights but I also think that there are exceptions like aggressive language expresion that we must ban.
    There are also a lot of article that aren't accomplished in Spain, however I think that it happens the same in others countries and I hope that one day everybody can realize this rights.

  7. The Declaration Of Human Rights is a documents that gathers all the fundamental rights that should be universally recognized, I say should because this declaration is a non-binding document so countries do not have the obligation to accept it which leads to these right been neglected.
    Usually when a right is neglected many more are too because the declaration is written in way that if one right fails, many others will too. This is sort of what happens with the links on a chain.

    To give an example, in many countries around the world journalist are being imprisoned for protesting or carrying out investigations against their government this violates not one but many rights as I shall now demonstrate:
    19-Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression
    18-Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
    12-No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home.
    9- No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
    3-Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
    2-Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration
    30-Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein

    And in the process these could be endangered too:
    5-No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
    7-All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.

    Given the way law is established internationally, were every country has its own set of laws and countries cant interfere in the legislation of other it is very difficult to make this declaration universally valid, actually I think is impossible. The only way this could be done would be by establishing a universal law and court which is something impossible as countries are always reluctant externalize their justice system.
    Something big has to happen in order to make this declaration universally valid in the short run.
    Maybe if workers of all lands unite…

    -Juan Ramos Delgado-

  8. First, we do not agree with the 19th decree which declares that we can all think what we like, say what we think and share ideas and information with other people. Usually, you can not say what you think because it could have bad consequences. For example, if you say something at work about politics and your boss does not think the same, he may even fire you. We have to accept the opinions of others and respect them even if they are not the same as ours, so as not to affect their working lives.

    Secondly, the 9th decree is not always current in Spain. Nowadays, many people go to prison because they have been taken to court without any reason and then, because of the circumstances (bad lawyers, witnesses…), they do not win the case. In order to change this, I would pass a law which offers a good lawyer to each of the suspected, independent of their social status.

    Finally, we do not agree with the 25th decree which declares that we all have the right to a decent living standard, including enough food, clothing, housing and medical help if we are ill. In Spain, there are people who are homeless and sleep on the street. To change this, we would have to help them in order to meet their needs. For instance, we could build a pavilion, taking them in and giving them a bed.

    Elena Jiménez y Ana Iglesias 2ºB Bach

  9. How would it be possible to guarantee the essential ones?

    Although all the governments compromised to respect human rights, as the video says, the declaration is not a legislative text, so is very easy to violate it.

    It's clear that if we guarantee the essential ones, as all of them are connected, the rest would be guarantee too.

    For me, a good way to do that would be to pay more attention in the general ones. For example, the right to life, and to be free and feel safe includes most of the rest.

    The responsibility to protect human rights resides first with the states themselves. However, in many cases authorities and government policies are the ones that violate basic human rights.So, how could we do that?

    I think that it would be a good idea to make them an international law. New institutions should be created in attempt to make sure their compliment in addition to organizations that inform people(we can not defend something that we don’t know). Citizens also constitute an important part of this cause.
    We can’t be bystanders of an injustice, if our government doesn’t help, we have to, as much as we can.

  10. From my point of view, although in different ways, all the rights are interconected.
    We could say that the right from which others comes and that make the connection of all of them is “We are born free and equal, and should treat others in the same way.”. This right encompasses the right to life, to feel safe, to be protected by the law, of free speech, to our own thoughts, to rest, to a decent living standard, etc.
    If we really carry out the first right which says that we must treat others taking to account their freedom and equality, the others rights needn’t be written.

  11. As far as I am concerned, I think that all of these rights are directly interconnected, being the first one the most important one, and the key to understand all of them properly
    “We are born free and equal, and should treat others in the same way”

    Just by guarantying this right, we could be able to “ignore” the others, because the others such as “the law is the same for everyone” Is just a continuation of the first one, the application of the first one to the area of rights
    Another example of this connection is the first one with the twenty-firsts, having the right to take part in the government of your country like anyone else there is just like being equal

    The other example that I am going to compare is the first one with the twenty-fifth one, being born free and being treated just like anyone else is having decent living standards, everyone deserves them, so just by guaranteeing the first one you no longer need to guarantee the others ones.

    And there are other rights which are interconnected that do not need from the first one, such as the eighteenth and the nineteenth, being able to follow your own religion without being prosecuted by someone is just like having your own ideas and not being punished for expressing them (always with respect)

    To sum up I personally think that all of the rights are interconnected because being human beings must be connected to having the same rights to everyone and opportunities, by guaranteeing the first one we will guarantee all the other ones.

    Juan Andrés Gómez 2ºA Bachillerato

  12. Human rights may seem to defend different aspects of our society. In fact, they do, but all of them are related and interconnected.
    For instance, one of those rights says that we can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly. Obviously, it implies that everyone has to be protected by these laws and that they are the same for every single person.
    Another example of how these rules are attached is the combination of number 18 and 19. The first asserts that we all have the right to our own thoughts and to believe in any religion, while 19 assures that we can all think what we like, say what we think and share ideas and information with other people. It is clear that one requires the other, as keeping freedom of speech assumes thinking what each one wants.
    These reasons show that every right is connected to the others although we could reckon it doesn’t. It is essential to respect them and to make sure that our society does it too.
    Estrella Pérez Tavero 2ºA Bach.

  13. It's surprising that presently very few people know all the rights they have. Fortunately, It seems that society is becoming aware of them in the wake of the atrocities that are happening in the world. The most important thing is to enact our rights to be aware of them. What to do to get that?
    First, it is very important that you are informed and know your rights, besides you must protect them in your personal life and for this there are several activities that you can develop, for example: participate in local activities and attend events in favor of the rights, teach a course on the importance of be free and have all the rights and the most important thing is the participation of the State. This institution has to act more directly than any citizen, is in charge of solving the violation of rights, depending in each case of the right. Imagine that someone does not have a house to sleep or food, the State is in charge of giving what they need.
    If each person contributes their respect and help voluntarily, more and more people will have all their rights.

  14. In my opinion, the first right involves many of the others. For instance the third or fourth ones which talk about freedom or the fifth or eighth ones which talk about the treatment to other people. Freedom let us say and believe in what we want, but without hurting anyone. A fairly treatment is based on not abusing of another person or not forcing someone to do something. Also, equality is treated in other rights like the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth or twenty sixth ones.

    Alberto García Rodríguez 2ºBach.A

  15. In 1948, the universal declaration of human rights was written. There are 30 rights and most of them are directly interconnected.
    For example, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. All of them talk about being free and equal so we can't act in a way that harm others. We should treat people in the same way we want to be treated.
    Other rights directly interconnected are numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. They say the law must protect and help everyone. We have the right to be safe. They also say that we are innocent until someone proves the opposite so we can't be blamed without evidence.
    Really, the purpose of each right is to help and guarantee the safety of the people so, they are all interconnected.

    Clara-Luz García Mena 2ºBach A.

  16. From my point of view the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is essential to guarantee security and freedom to all the citizens of the planet. But, do all people have them? From my point of view no. The question is, how can we make these rights apply to everyone?

    First, I will propose to found a global police, who could act in any country. They will look forward to guarantee the same rights in the whole world. Furthermore, I will also establish some kind of judges with jurisdiction in any country. The accused will receive a sentence depending on what they did and which rights they broke.

    Second, I will encourage governments to promote advertisements to educate people and make all know their rights and what could happen to them if they broke this rights. In my opinion this is one of the first things that should be done, because in many cases people broke them due to the absence of knowledge.

    To sum up, I believed that in a near future all people will know and accept them, making the Earth a place in which all their citizens will respect each other.

  17. I think that there are five cases of interconnected rights:
    -The first and the second, because both say that we are free and equal, no matter who we are or where we are.
    -The sixth, the seventh and the eighth. All of them postulate that we have the right to be protected by the law in the same way when we are not treated fairly.
    -The nineth and the eleventh, because both say that it have to be proved our culpability before punish us.
    -The twenty-second and the twenty-seventh. The relationship between these rights is that they treat about the cultural development.
    -Finally, the twenty-eighth and the thirtieth, because they defend our right to enjoy our rights all over the world, and nobody can take away those rights.

    To conclude, I would like to say that although I have chosen those rights, in my opinion all the rights are interconected as if one of them are not respected, all of them are not respected in the same way.

    Vicente Revilla López 2º Bach A.

  18. In my opinion, I think that the first one “We are born free and equal, and should treat others in the same way” is the most important, the others are all based on it. But, there are some of them really important too, like the thirty “Nobody can take away these rights and freedoms for us”. I believe that the Declaration of Human Rights is very important for society, it is necessary to control people´s behavior and it can only be respected with the help of people and laws.

  19. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that states human beings' basic rights and fundamental freedoms. There are a lot and some of them are interconnected.
    First of all, I think that rights four and five are related because both talk about of slavery and mistreatment of people. In addition, there are more rights interconnected, for example six, seven and eight because they say that all of us are protected by the law and we can ask for it when we aren't treated fairly. Furthermore, rights eighteen and nineteen because both defend our freedom of speech and finally, fifteen and twenty-one because they say that we belong to a country and we can participate on it.
    To sum up, I think that really all the human rights are interconnected in certain way and all of them are important but in fact some coutries don't follow all of them.
    Aurora Ábalos Moreno 2º Bach. A
