Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Through their eyes

What better way to get aware?


  1. I think loneliness is the worst feeling in the world. That’s why if I were her, the first thing I would expect from other people would be support.
    It is true that adapting to a new daily life routine and culture and also learning a new language would be very hard. But if I don’t have there my family to help me get through that, I would like to have at least some people I can count on and have a friendship with.

  2. If I were she and I am a person who had got here without any choice aside of it, I would hope that my new classmates were some who at least one of them could have a little bit of concern on me. I wish that someone can help me on the new language I will have to learn and I also hope that someone can just be my friend because I will feel homesick and alone.

  3. I think that its'n easy leave your family and begin an other life in other country. If I will need to do that in a future I think that I will fell bad.
    For me, the most difficult fact to get over is the language because a new language could make me difficult the learning at school and don't help me to socialise with other people. In addition, if I can't make friends, I will be alone and I could fell so lonely.
    I wish that if I will move to other country to study, anyone can help me and make me happy.

    Esteban Rico Saborido 2°Bach B

  4. First of all, I think that if I were a refugee, the most difficult thing for me would be communication. What I mean is that I would feel isolated in many aspects. For example, at school. The rest of students would be improving and learning new things while I would be trying to cope with many obstacles, such as the new language.

    This is why I would expect understanding and empathy from people, because it is not easy to get used to a new life in which no one has good intentions with you. I firmly believe that the main thing is to see through others' eyes so as to understand their feelings and help them in the correct way.

  5. Nowdays, people have to move from home. I mean, they have to leave their comfort zone in order to find a suitable job or simply to run away from problems that their country produce. That suppose facing situations that they are not used to, so If I were them, I expect other people would make an easier environment to live. For instance, one of the main problems that we would have to face is communication. What is more, if it is a language which we do not recognize, daily life will be much harder, so local people should help us trying to adapt and have an empathy whit us, the foreigns. Furthermore, they should understand our situation. I mean, they should be conscious about what we have left behind and help us trying to avoid negative feelings that It would have, such as homesickness or loneliness. As a consequence of this, countries would develop a pleasant environment, where humanity will have no races.
    Noelia Díaz Rodríguez 2º Bach B

  6. I think the first I should face with if I were a refugee would be the language.
    Without language, you cannot express yourself which is important, because you also cannot express your feelings or how is your culture and this would be a very important obstacle in your daily life.
    It is true that anybody can learn a new language but when you arrive to a new country you don't only have to know about the language, you also have to know about other things, like food, streets, education...
    Because of that, I think the best help that anyone can offer me would be help me in learning the language.

  7. In my opinion it has to be really difficult to arrive to a new country from other one completely different. First of all, I must adapt to a new life, to get include with community. which is not easy. So I hope that people around me could understand that I am making an effort and they could encourage me to get it. For example if I speak the language wrong or I do not understand some expressions, that they not be annoyed and they correct me. Also it would be fantastic that people were loving and pleasant, to give me confidence and I could be happy and forget a bit my lineliness.

    Carmen Ramírez Mayoral 2ºB Bto.

  8. The comunication is the biggest problem for a person that comes into a new country were they speak another language and they have another culture.

    Not knowing how to comunicate with people around you, makes you feel lonely and it also makes you miss your friends and your family. That is why your daily life will be hard and complicate.

    If I ever was in this situation, I would like my classmates to help me to comunicate, to be patient and show me the language and how to pronunciate it correctly. I would like if they invited me to follow their traditions with them and that they showed me their tipical dishes.
    If they became friends of mine and they had patience with me, the adaptation and learning process will mean that they will be people I would always want in my life. They would be my new family and would change my life forever.

    Elena Jiménez 2ºB bach

  9. The comunication is the biggest problem for a person that comes into a new country were they speak another language and they have another culture.

    Not knowing how to comunicate with people around you, makes you feel lonely and it also makes you miss your friends and your family. That is why your daily life will be hard and complicate.

    If I ever was in this situation, I would like my classmates to help me to comunicate, to be patient and show me the language and how to pronunciate it correctly. I would like if they invited me to follow their traditions with them and that they showed me their tipical dishes.
    If they became friends of mine and they had patience with me, the adaptation and learning process will mean that they will be people I would always want in my life. They would be my new family and would change my life forever.

  10. The comunication is the biggest problem for a person that comes into a new country were they speak another language and they have another culture. Not knowing how to comunicate with people around you, makes you feel lonely and it also makes you miss your friends and your family. That is why your daily life will be hard and complicate.

    If I ever was in this situation, I would like my classmates to help me to comunicate, to be patient and show me the language and how to pronunciate it correctly. I would like if they invited me to follow their traditions with them and that they showed me their tipical dishes.

    If they became friends of mine and they had patience with me, the adaptation and learning process will mean that they will be people I would always want in my life. They would be my new family and would change my life forever.

    Elena Jiménez 2ºB bach

  11. The better way to get aware about immigrants is hearing them and put oneself in others' position. Arriving at a new place where nobody knows you is a very complicated situation, and even more if you do not know their culture, their customs, their language, their life routine or their body language.

    I think the hardest part would be the feelings, specially if you are a teenager, because teenagers have hormone changes and mood swings, so it is a change that can affect them a lot and I think they need to prepare psychologically.

    If I went to another high school where nobody knows me, I would like to be treated the same as everybody else, with equality, because I am a person as normal as others. They need to be talked to, need tender loving care, so I wish that people give me love and care, because I Would feel alone and homesick. Finally,I would like some people to be interested in knowing me and that they would like to be my Friends, because I would need company and people to make me happy and feel trust. I do not ask for very important things, only to be treated as you would like to be treated. That is how we should all be treated.

  12. In my opinion, stay in her situation is so difficult because you are lonely, you don´t understand the idiom and you must to do an effort to learn it and adapt to the new life.
    While you are adapting, you espect that your new classmates help you because you need support of another people in this situation and if I were a classmate of someone that stay in this situation I would help him.
    Also is so important that your teacher pay more attention that your another mates because you are in a so difficult situation.

    Miguel Ángel Quesada Rubio, 2ºBach B
