Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Aiming High

Nelson Mandela said:

"It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success."

However, Oscar Wilde thought differently:

"Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result."

Whose opinion do you agree with?


  1. Although this quotation seems to be right in many aspects, I reckon that it has some weak points.

    Nowadays, it is essential to be competitive and audacious as the level of requirements in many aspects of life (at school or working) is constantly growing. To be successful in life and reach your objectives, it is true that you need to aim high and try to be the best, so that you could stand out.

    The problem might appear when someone does not have resources or lives in a developing area. In spite of this person’s knowledge, if the situation that is around him/her is not positive, it could be almost impossible for this person to reach what he/she has fought for.

    It is my opinion that, in those kinds of situations, it is not that easy to success despite the fact that someone might be willing to do something. I think that there are some external aspects that play an important role, like being surrounded or heard by the right people. It is always easier to achieve your goals when you are supported, so I think that in some aspects, it could really matter ‘’where you start’’.

    Alicia Rodríguez Romero 2º Bach. A

  2. The aim is one of the biggest human impulses. Without it we would be drown in a meaningless life, in which we wouldn’t know what to do or who to be.
    Aiming is one of the things that keeps our lives moving, the student aims having good grades, the politician aims being president, the poor aims having money…
    But does where we come from matter in terms of fulfilling our goals?
    Nelson Mandela said no, for him it doesn’t matter where you come from or who you are, the key to success is how high you aim.
    But as long as I agree with the spirit of the sentence, we live in an unfair world in which it really does matter where you come from or who you are, definitely hard work plays a major role in our success, but although we would like everyone to have the same opportunities is not like that in the real world.
    Any ways if we only take into account this aspects of life, we would have to give up on everything, and as I said before our life would become meaningless.
    So, to sum up as long as I agree with the change spirit of the quote, I think that we sould be realistic about the situations we are surrounded by.


  3. Success is a big word with a big meaning. Supossing that success is a matter of achieving your goals in life and getting far in somenthing you are fighting, it´s logical that Nelson Mandela was who said it. Sometimes you must forget if you are poor or just don´t have as many sources as others for obteining what you want, because it´s assumed that obviously you should be aware of that fact, but i stongly think that life is the one who is going to reward your effort. So althought it´s important to know well what and where is your begining you should forget it at times to focus your goal as far as you can and make the way the most clean of obstacles as posible.

    Ángela Chocán Márquez. 2ºBACH A

  4. I agree with Nelson Mandela's opinion. I think that everyone's life is marked by their environment, but with a good attitude, motivation and a little of luck you can achieve your goals. One example of this is Nelson Mandela, who was born in a poor African village and even was in prison. But after many years of fighting for the rights of black people, he became President of South Africa and received the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Alberto García Rodríguez 2ºBach.A

  5. I agree with Nelson Mandela. I think everybody can be what they want if they make an effort. Obviously, there are many factors that affect like money, social class, country's ideology,.. A person with money or in the high social class has it easier but this doesn't mean that it's impossible for people without many resources.
    For example, Nelson Mandela faught for the rights of black people and finally, he became the first black president of South Africa.
    This show that it doesn't matter where you start but how you you are able to do to get what you want.

    Clara-Luz García Mena 2ºBach A.

  6. I think that the quote shows what idealism is. It's true that Mandela started from the bottom and achieve his goal, and he was rigth when he said that we have to work hard if we want something, but is also important to know when to stop.

    We could be wasting our time trying to do something thats clearly impossible.

  7. As I see Nelson Mandela’s quotation, it can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on the meaning you give to the term ‘success’.

    Generally, everybody thinks about money, fame or richness when they hear this word. However, some people might bear in mind what they have and feel successful about those things they have got during their lives, because they may have achieved their goals living up to their own expectations or others ones’.

    In the first context, I reckon that the beginning really matters, as it is far more difficult to be well-known - or just known - in any part of the world if you have no contacts. Unless you make a big effort to get it or you become a leading figure because of your thoughts or acts, it will be hard to reach the top.

    On the other hand, if you see this concept as a combination of being happy with those things you wished and got and also with your work done to have them, your origin or provenience won’t be determining in your future, because you will always be successful.

    All in all, your attitude will decide more about what is coming than where you started.

    Estrella Pérez Tavero 2ºA Bach.

  8. I agree with Nelson Mandela. We must always aim high because setting our goals is how way to success starts. The most important is have attitude and believe in ourself. In my opinion, the keys to success is divided into stages, it is not just only one. Firstly, you aim high and imagine that you can with everything, after that, you have to work hard on the objectives and finally, you have to wait for the reward. Sometimes we work hard in the goals and we dedicate a lot of time but is not sufficient. Unfortunately we do not always have many opportunities so is essential to take advantage of small opportunities.

    Antonia Delgado 2ºBach-A.

  9. In my opinion, Nelson Mandela was an example of a person who aimed high. He was born in a rural place of Africa where was the first in his familly to receive a formal education. He led the movements against the apartheid and after a long fight and 27 years in prision, he was president of South Africa in the first governement that ended the facist regime.

    For all this, I agree whit the message of the phrase because the humans always find goals to get them and so continuosly, until get to the end, where we have got it all. We have to jump all the obstacles that be put in our ways, altought we don't exceed something, we have to try again and never give up.

    Ana Lagares Suárez 2ºBach A.

  10. I agree with Nelson Mandela's quotation. This sentences explain us that your conditions or your features don't matter if you think that you can do all that you decide.

    In my case, I identify with this quotation because I swim and in this sport your mind help you a lot for get your dremas. So if I aim so high probably I will gain success.

    On the other hand, Oscar Wild was a little right because for a person who has conditions to do the activities better than the other people is easier to get success.

    In short, the most important cuality for get success is your mind, if you aim high you will get all that you think.

    Esteban Rico Saborido 2ºBach B

  11. One idea can't be thought without the other. Both of them are willing to have the same result, but they won't have it. If you have the conditions but you don't aim high, is the same as if you ain high but you don't have the conditions. On the one hand you'll be wasting your life going wherever people want you to go, and on the other hand you'll feel useless and disapointed.
    If Oscar Wilde thought about aiming high while he was thinking about "his conditions" I'll probably agree with him.

  12. Nowdays, success is an essential word in our life. What is more, everything that we do is marked by a purpose but, as Nelson Mandela said, it's the effort what makes you aiming high. However, nobody said that it is easy. Furthermore, we must see the point that rich people have that way more clear unfotunately, as money has become an easy solution for our materialistic society. But would it stop you? Lifes goes around in circles, so perhaps what we see today as an obstacle, it would help you to overcome your fears and become a succesful person in the future. Did Nelson Mandela stop fighting for his right despite the racist conditions in his country? That's the greatest example of effort because the more you work to make your aim come true, the less regrets you will have in the future. It's up to you!

  13. In my opinion, any of these two sentences are not completely correct. For me, the good one would be a mix of the two phrases.
    Nelson Mandela says “It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success”. I agree with him in the fact that people can success if they makes the effort enough, but he says everyone can do it. Here is where I agree with Oscar Wild in his sentence “Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result”. I think each person´s condition can make more or less difficult to success or even make him impossible to do it. Some of those conditions could be money, family, intelligence, etc.
    The sentence I would choose is “Everyone, whose conditions are not much unfavourable, can success if he aim high”.

    Alberto Benítez, 2ºBach B

  14. I agree with the opinion of Nelson Mandela, because if you have a goal no matter where you start or no matter how high you aim, the important thing is your attitude and sacrifice to reach your goals and success.

    Jesús Artiguez Rodriguez 2ºBach B

  15. Success is a word overly abstract, because each person have a different point of view and varied goals, that is why people have different opinions about this topic. There are things that can mean success for one person but for another it is not.

    First of all, I have a hard time choosing an option because I think that both are partly right but I would choose the first one. Why? Because in my opinion the second one is less correct. I think that the conditions you have is not as important, If you want to achieve your goal, you will do whatever is necessary having better or worse physical, mental, economic conditions…

    Moreover I agree with Nelson Mandela's sentence because
    if you have good ideas for your purposes and you fight to get them you don't have to worry about whether your origins are more humble or less, because there are many famous people with humble origins who have achieved their goals: football players, actors, writers, scientists or himself.

    Finally, I would recommend everyone to fight for their goals without taking into account the opinion of others because only we can judge ourselves and the best of this topic is that everybody have very different aims but everybody try to achieve them, normally with support from other people.

  16. I agree with Nelson Mandela,because in my opinion his sentence is more real than Oscar Wilde'sentence. For example Mandela was a poor person and later he was the president of South Africa and before he was arrested because of defending his idea, after he was released considering that all the world supported him.
    Oscar Wild says that if you got the conditions, you will achieve your goals or prepositions and I think hat if you want to gain success you have to work a lot and believe in your self.

    Miguel Ángel Quesada Rubio, 2ºB Bach.

  17. Having dreams and aims is very important in life. Everything you do is focused on the goals you want to achieve, if not, nothing would make sense.

    We are in a time where you have to aim very high, we demand the best of ourselves. It is true that we live in an unfair world where people who do not have resources has to work twice so hard to reach his goals.

    I agree with Nelson Mandela. Life is a road with stones and potholes, it does not matter where you start because if you feel you have energy and motivation you can get everything you want.

    Elena Jiménez Payán 2º Bach B

  18. Success sounds like a huge word because it is more common to hear it nowadays. We see on social media how teenagers become famous just by posting pics or crazy feminist activists screaming their rights on tv, trying to focus attention on them. It seems easy, but it´s not.
    I agree with Nelson Mandela, a man who worked hard to support human rights. He was self confident and probably he aimed high because of this. Success means achieving your goals in a long period of time, being proud of your results. So for example, a feminist that wants gender equality fights till the end to achieve a law that permits girls being a business boss.
    In my opinion, we only success in life doing what we like while we are confident in ourselves, because by my own experience, aiming high is only possible in this way.
    Alexandra García Rengifo | 2ºA bachillerato

  19. I agree with Nelson Mandela beacuse I think anyone has objectives and whatever the social status that is, what matters is how much fight for it. An example of it is Nelson Mandela who belonged to a tribe in Africa and he became a politician who finished against the racism.
    Aurora Ábalos 2º Bach A

  20. From my point of view, im in favour of Oscar Wilde's thought, because the fact of achieve our goals depends of the kind of things as goals we have or even our background. For example, if a person who has not any money want to be millionaire, maybe there is a tiny posibility to achieve it, but most of people that try it will not get it.

  21. It seems to me that aiming high is the key for success. Actually, you can't reach your goals if you have a negative mind. No matter what your situation is or what you are going through, you have to keep a positive mind. And this is a very hard thing to do. But, as Nelson Mandela said, if you aim high and follow your dreams, you will achieve your goals for sure. And he is the best example of this! He was a poor person with not many resources but that didn't stop him and he continued defending his ideals and thoughts no matter what.
    In conclusion, I think that the key of success is not anywhere but in ourselves. With daily work and positive mind, you will be able to do and be what anything you want to be!

    Carmen Fernández León
    2º BTO B

  22. Success literally means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. However in a freely sense it could also mean the full process when you are trying to get that aim.
    According to Oscar Wilde, success is a science, which you have to find a correct way to reach what you want. Moreover not everyone find "the secret"(correct way) of it and that is the main reason of why there are people who success and others not.
    Personally, I see his point and I totally agree with him. In fact, his quotation can be demostrated in students, for instance. Some students always get good marks and they look very relaxed everyday, whereas in the other hand the other students never get good marks even they are often hardworking, and that it is because they didn't find a correct way of organization.
    On the other hand, Nelson Mandela says that the moment when you start to find a correct way it's not the important thing but how high you can reach of your aim. And in fact, this is true, and I am also totally agree with. If you don't have any purpose or aim, so what are you looking for then?
    Both of the two quotation are good advices and in my point of view, I would say that I am agree with both.

    Angela Wang 2°B
