Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Jar of Life

This is the great lesson that Professor Abascal taught all of us when saying goodbye to 2º Bachillerato students: filling the jar of life. A wonderful metaphor to remind everyone that "first comes first". Listen!


  1. Sometimes we forgot about the importants things. We forget about family, friends... And we put somethings before them. That's what the video is talking about. I've never been like that, but my cousin has. When he was a teenager (and even nowadays sometimes) he used to spend a lot of time been alone in his room playing videogames and he only saw his family at lunch and dinner time.
    I think that's really sad. In my opinion, our family is the most important thing in our lifes. The ones that'll be with us forever.
    Spent time with them, enjoy. Because one day you'll realise you didn't spend enough time with them and you'll regret. There is time for everything. Choose well your priorities.

    Carmen Fernández León. 2º BTO B.

  2. According to this video, It's essential to recognise what elements are important in our life, even though if they are objects, moments or people. Furthermore, you have to be careful about your choises, because we sometimes prefer the easy way without thinking about the consequences that it would have. In myopinion, our society nowdays fills life with unnecessary ingredients such as technology, social statements, etc. and they totally forget elements whose importance will be regreted later.
    Noelia Díaz 2º B

  3. I think that we need to put priorities in our life, for example, the familly comes first than your car, your house or your video games,i know that all of those things are important but in my opinion the familly is the most, because they can help you (or support you) if you have a problem and the others things can't because are "material" things. If you put more importance to this "material things" you are getting time from stay with your familly or friends.

  4. The life is represented in the video with a jar. If he introduce the important things first (the golf balls), he can also insert other secondary activities, but if he instead of introducing the important things, put in the least important ones first(the very littles stones), the bigger ones can not get in because there isn’t espace enough.
    The video wants to make us realise we should care about the important things like family, friends, studies... instead of other ones like playing fornite or watching TV so any of the important things stay out of our lifes.
    In our opinion, this video is great and it made us think about that. We would recommend everyone to watch it. You really realise how important is to manage your life responsibly, and taking care of the important things first.

    Alberto Benítez & Manuel Delgado

  5. In our point of view, we agree with the video's idea because we think that If you start with all the small and trivial things, you'll have no time for the things that really matter. But, if you give time to the things that are important first you will not only have time for them, you'll also find you have time for a whole lot more.
    In order to have a more effective and efficient life, pay attention to the "rocks" (important things),because they will be always there.
    Angela Wang & Esteban Rico

  6. We totally agree with the message in the video. If you think about it, it´s not about not enjoying trivial things but about giving priority to things that are trully important.
    Nowadays, people tend to worry more about money, social media or popularity. For example there was a famous blogger who lost her father while being on a publicity campaign abroad, and she couldn´t go to the funeral. This shows that if you forget about things like family or friends, it can pay back.
    This isn´t a new idea. For example, Baloo in his song ¨The bare necessities¨ is actually giving us the same message, to oonly look for the essentials and the rest will come to you.
    Batriz García & Paula Guerrero.

  7. In our point of view we agree with the video’s idea. We think that If you start with all the small and trivial things, you'll have no time for the things that really matter. But, if you give time to the things that are important first you will not only have time for them, you'll also find you have time for a whole lot more.
    For example if someone gives more importance to the money or the alcohol that person will not have time for his family and friends because he is always thinking about getting more money and drinking alcohol.
    Other example is the addiction of mobile phones. Lots of teenagers spend too much time in social media, as it is for chating to friends or for publishing photos, they are just a way to waste time.
    The video is very interesting and we think is a real good experiment to show us how to live correctly.

    Angela Wang & Esteban Rico

  8. The video shows us that we have to worry about essential things (love, family, friends...). They have to take up such a big space in the jar of our lives: First of all, because these are not material things. What we mean is that these things could give our life meaning, and we believe that this is just so important.

    We'd also like to point out that we usually think unconsciously that material things should be first, because they bring us that brief moment of happiness...

    In our humble opinion, it's necessary to understand what are the real priorities and take care of them.

  9. I agree. Sometimes we give so much importance to little things that last a short time, like buying new clothes or eat some candies, and we don't realise that the very important things can't be bought and are just around us, like family and friends. "FIRST COME FIRST".
    If you don't realise what is really important, you'll probably regret it.
    For me, family, friends and my two dogs are the most important things I have, and sometimes I would like to be more time with them and have new good experiences.
    Then, the "pebbles" would be the things of my own; my room and everything that is inside, and specific moments with friends like parties or meetings.
    The last things I worry about are to have new things and eat everything I would want to, but, however, I like to do it anyway.

    Paula Forero Pastor 2ºbach A

  10. For me the balls would be having a loving and suportive family and friends, a place to live and food to feed you, not more just the esentials. For me this are the most important just because if there is a lack of any of this things is really dificult to be happy.
    My pebbles would be travelling, going to parties, hanging out and this kind of things. Whith this you can be happy but if the basics are not there my life wouldn't be complete.
    And last but not least the grains are watching TV, reading... this conforme puntual moments of happiness but not extended happiness.


  11. I think that you order your priorities depending on the situation. Sometimes you are paying more attention to, for example, your job, and then you change it and the most important thing is to look for your family and friends.

    In addition, I believe that the author of the video has forgotten to include some self love because you may have a lot of great people in your life, but you can still feel empty.

    Marta González 2ºA

  12. The components in my jar are like the ones shown in the video. Family and close friends are the most important things in my life. I need to lean on them, to trust in them and receive their support in hard times but… as it is said, you reap what you sow. This ideas are clearly represented in the golf ball, which occupies almost 80% of the container. With less importance, element two represents to me things like money, art, music and school. I can say that these achievements couldn’t be possible without family and I´ve learned this by myself several months ago. Finally the guy ended up introducing grain into the jar, refering to secondary things, in what in general we waste a lot of time. In my case I usually waste my time watching TV and revising my phone. In summary, I consider myself a lucky person because all the elements fits in my jar!


  13. In my jar, i have so clear which components should be in and the priority they have in my life.
    First of all the golf balls are obviously my family; dad, mom, grand mom, sister and all the members of my familly, including those who don´t share blood with me. My friends also take a big part of my life, they are "golf balls" too.
    The next "golf ball" is myself, simply because i think you should take care of your own and love yourself first and then you could have good relationship with others.
    Finally food is absolutely necesary for me and me health.

    The next step are the pebbles; that kind of things you can need but in the same time you can not have it. In my case the pebbles are the gym, that influences in my health; my own money earned by me, that influence in my independence and then music and books, that transport me to another place when i need it.

    In third place, the seeds in my life are my travels because i love them but i know that this is not what makes my happiness goes on.

    Finally the coffee represents for me those inessential things, for example ehrn i buy something just because i want and no for necessity.

  14. In my jar, the big balls are friends, family and my health due to evident reasons.

    At this period of my life the pebbles are the studies because I live with my parents and they can cover my necessities. The grains are for example music, series, books… things that make me feel better.

    As always, there is a gap in our “jar” for two cups of coffee like to hang out with friends.

    J. Ignacio Pérez 2 Bach A

  15. In my jar, the golf balls are at the first position which represent my family and some Friends because they are very important in my life and they help me when I need it. At the second position, the Pebble which represent my studies, money or my belonging because it is indispensable at the moment in my routine. Although, at the third position I will put my passion about sport, especially tennis, listen music or hanghout with my Friends, theese one are represent about Little things. Finally, the liquid showing the less important thing in my life. Things which could be unnecessary, the liquid spills.

  16. As I see it, this video is a nice way to show us the priority of things in our live. Material things shoudn´t have the same value. All of us must give more importance to essencial things as relationships with people, our attitude in the society or even our goals.
    Obviusly we can also enjoy trivial things, but only giving priority to the essencial things in live.

    In my own jar, golf balls could be my family, friends, goals, hobbies...
    Pebbles and birds food could be money, clothes, social media or popularity.
    Ana Esperanza Lagares Albenca 2ºBach A

  17. According to me, my big balls are my family, my friends and the advices and support that they can provide us, this is because they are the really important things that we need and if you don't appreciate, some day we will regret.
    Also, my pebbles would be the studies, say to my family and friends how important are to me, play music in my free time, hang out with my friends and have a good time with them, this is because I like to do these and there are still important to me.
    In addition, my sand would be do sport and watching a movie, they are small things that make our life a little bit nicer and finally my coffee would be meet new people.
    Aurora Ábalos 2º Bach A

  18. In my life jar I know what are my priorities:

    The golf balls in the video represent my family (mum and dad, bother, grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins) and my friends, in my real life. I have chosen them like the main priorities because during my life they are always close to me helping in all I want.

    The pebbles in my life are all things I like to do and my jobbies, like my hourses because I really liki riding horses with my dad. The study is in this clasification, also. They are really important for my future life and it is one of my every priorities.

    The space of seed and grains are for small things I like. Fashion, for example, is something I enjoy to learn... Or maybe go to the cinema with friends or go to a good restaurants...

    The liquids for me are materials things like my mobile and computer, things I do not mind to spare.


  19. Firstly, the golf balls of my jar would be my family and friends. I consider that they are the most important aspects of my life. I can always lean on them, and they are the people I feel the most comfortable with.

    Secondly, my pebbles would be the things that complete me and make me feel happy. Cinema, music and learning about different topics are the components that I reckon that define my personality.

    My grains and seeds would be those little things that make the difference every single day, making them special. For example, doing something I really enjoy like sports, drawing or taking photos.

    To conclude, the liquids of my jar would be some moments that usually have less importance than what they really deserve. An example for this could be spending time with my family or just having a cup of coffee with a friend I haven't seen for a long time.

    Alicia Rodríguez Romero 2ºBACH A

  20. For me, my family are the biggest balls in the jar that I used to call life, because they are the ones who brought me up and has always took care of me, thanks to them I am the person of today. Another part of the balls are composed with my friends, who are always there for me. The rest of the balls are taken by the basics necessities as eating, going to the toilet or even the action of breath.

    If we talk about the pebbles, I would say that the biggest ones are my studies, because they guarantee my futur. The rest of them are related with travel or hanging out, this ones are because I can enjoy them with family and friends.

    The seeds are the things I do, in the majority of the cases, for relax, this could be watching some TV or sleeping.

    Because I see the two cups of coffee as things you could do everyday at any time, my cups are full of hugs.

    Ramón Pascual Peña 2ºBach A

  21. In my jar, the balls are family and friends. To me, they are essential because they support me every time I require it. Also, health and money take a big part of my life due to they are required to go on with it. They are the bare necessities.
    The pebbles are my dreams, my studies... These are lightly less important than the first ones. Despite this they give meaning to my life.
    Finally, secondary things like cars or music are the seeds. They are important but not-essential things and I can live without them. They only improve my quality of life and make me feel better.
    Alberto García Rodríguez 2ºBach. A

  22. According to the video, everyone has a jar full of different components that represents our lives.
    In my case, golf balls would be my family and friends, and obviously their health. I could never imagine myself far away from them as their happiness and love make me proud of being part of their lives, as well as I enjoy spending time and experiences with them.
    Secondly, the pebbles in the jar would be my hobbies and reaching my aims, achieving my goals. From my point of view, it is always delightful getting good results from my work done so I can be proud of my progress. In addition, practising what I like or having a while for doing whatever I want let me improve myself and it allows me disconnecting from common worries or learning about new issues I wish know.
    Finally, my grains would be money and some not just material but symbolic things I have. Making my own money helps me being more independent and conscious about how hard is it to get, at the same time that gives me facilities to do some things. Furthermore, I really appreciate some presents that people gave me in any moment of my life or stuff that reminds me to old times, so they will be also part of these components.

    Estrella Pérez Tavero 2ºA Bach.

  23. In my jar, the golf balls represent my family and my Friends because in my life it's the most important. When I had a problem and I needed it, they were with me and solved as they have been able only that I didnt't miss nothing. Just like my Friends, they stay with me always that I need them. They are my second family.
    The Pebble, for me, represent the things that can't miss in the routine. For example, the money. It's important to life because without this we couldn't take a normal life. An another thing it's the studies, the food, the relations with others persons, the music and a job.

    The Little things represent things relacionated with the TV as the series and movies. Also the books, I think the social networks and sports.

    The coffee represent things that if they weren't in my life, they wouldn't happen nothing.

    Ana Lagares Suárez 2º Bach A.

  24. In my jar of life, the golf balls are my family and my friends because they always support me and they are with me in my good moments and in the bad too.

    The pebbles are my hobbies, dance and read. These things make me happy and help me to forget all my worries. Because of this, they represent an important part of my life although not the most important.

    Finally, the grains are the unnecessary things, for example, a jean that I love but I don't need. This kind of things aren't important due to if I don't have them, I will be equally happy.

    Clara-Luz García Mena 2ºBach A.

  25. In my jar, golf balls and the first component are my family and some friends, they are the most important for me, always they help me when I need it and they accompany me in everything.

    Second, pebbles are the studies and the sport. Both of them are necessary in my life, my future depends on my present studies and this in an obligation. Nevertheless the sport is my hobby, I play volleyball and this is my passion.

    In third place, the grains, all the material things like my smartphone, the jewelry... and similar, but I know I can live without that.

    Finally, the coffe represents insignificant things like watching TV, read a book... things from day to day without important.

  26. In this time of my life I try to pay more attention to this sort of exercises, because I start to realize what are my priorities in life, and in my opinion that's something we all should do.

    In my jar of life my friends, family, my self care and my well-being, not only physical but also mental well-being, would be the golf balls.
    The pebbles are things as school work, music, books and things that can bring me ideas.
    And lastly I would say the coffee are my hobbies like watching series or films.

  27. People normally say that life is joy and hate, both part of our black and white society, where something is bad and another thing is good, well, as far as my little experience can tell me, life is both.

    In life you need joy, love, family, friends, travel... obviusly if you do not want to live like a rock you take it into your jar, but i would personnally add, suffering, tears, sweat and hard work, because the best reward is achieving a goal with hard working, life for me is experience, you, in order to live a full life, you must loose an important flight, repeat a year in university, because your life is not finished with both of these experiences, instead of that, you just make it colourful.

    Someone that only relies on happiness, will just have an empty life, empty of the most important experience, the ones that make you suffer at the beginning, but later on you will just laught at these experience and say how stupid i was, and how i feel myself alive

    This empty life will lack of challenges and getting rid of these is just as stupid as conformist, and conformist people does not change the world.

    So the balls will be all of these experiences, the small rocks will be achieving the goals, the bird food, the ones that are in all the jar will be friends and family and the liquid, the liquid is just the happinnes of getting the best form the worse, just like a an artist, take those grey ugly pieces of wood and make with it the most beautful sculpture ever made.

    Juan Andrés Gómez Ortega 2º Bach A

  28. The things most important for me are obviously my family and my friends, although sometime we spend less time whith them than they deserve, and this is what the video tries to sell us.
    I don't know why, but we use to prefer the less important things like social media, mobile phone... and we finish spending more time with them than with what that really matter.

  29. In my jar, the golf balls are dance anywhere, my family and friends. I thinks that they’re my priorities because I couldn’t live without them.

    The pebbles would be to travel, books, meet people, study or help to others with their problems.

    Finally, the grains are very simple things like watch some movies, do sport or hang out. I think that they’re not as important as the others things.

    Sara Gutiérrez de Agüera Morillo

  30. We have just seen a video that show us a very important value of life.

    This video show us that family, friends, love, food and education are more important than material things like watching TV or playing video games, which ares less important.

    To demostrate it, in the video the man uses balls and stone. Balls represent the important things and stone represents less important things.
    If you try to fill the jar throwing the balls first, the jar will close perfectly but if you do it throwing the stones first the jar will not close.

    The message is, that if you can see important things first, your life will be better and you will live much better by this way, because you have all you need.

    Carmen Ramírez y Miguel Ángel Quesada 2ºB Bto.

  31. In my point of view the jar it's a simple representation of our life's, but so realistic.
    Although we have our "priorities" clear we tend to act how we had forget it and we waste time with the small things and we dont value the really essential and important things. People will say that their priorities are family, friends and that kind of things but being realistic most of people don't show that that thing are essential en their lives spending the time doing things for their owns that hasn't connection with that priorities. I haven't got my priorities clear,simply my priority is the enjoyment. Enjoyment reading, talking, with my family, with friends, watching films, doing sport, listening to music, etc.
