Sunday, April 8, 2018

A picture is worth a thousand words


  1. A: Sheep on the left
    B: Sheep on the right
    C: Lamp
    X and Y: Other Lamps


    B: Let's teach our lamp how to talk!

    A: Okey, How do we start?

    B: I don´t know

    A: Let´s try with proffesions

    B: (Talks with his baby) Okey darling, what do you wanna become in a future?

    A: (Talks with his baby) Do you wanna be a lawyer like your dad?

    B: Or do you wanna be a doctor like your mother?

    A: It's your choice

    C: I will be a singer (The lamp starts to sing)

    B: Shh


    B: (While eating) This is the best grass I have ever eaten

    A: I agree!

    C: This is so gross! (Eats flowers) This flowewrs are much better


    B: (Wears a new look) I look fantastic!

    A: (Wears a new look) I look gorgeus!

    C: (Wears a new look) Look daddy, I look like a rockstar

    (The sheeps think that their offspring is stupid)

    X: Mum! When I grow up I will be a dancer

    C: You can dance my songs!

    Y: Dad! When I grow up I will be a lyrics writer

    C: You can write songs for me! See mom, I will be famous

    A: No you won't

    C: But mum...

    B: Come on! let him be

    C: Love you daddy


  2. Scene 1
    Lamb 1: Hey who’s that?
    Lamb2: No idea, don’t you now her?
    Lamb 1: No, she must be lost she’s really young.
    Lamb 2: Let’s ask her.
    Lamb 1: Who are you?
    Lamb 2: Are you lost?
    Lamb 1: Where are your parents?
    Lamb 2: You shouldn’t be here by yourself.
    Little lamb: Leave me alone!
    Lamb 1: Shh.

    Scene 2
    Lamb 1: (after eating grass) Try it, it’s so good
    Lamb 2: Oh my god it’s true. You, little girl, try the grass!
    Little lamb: (after throwing up)Gross. I prefer the flowers.

    Scene 3
    Lamb 1: Do you like my new haircut?
    Lamb 2: Look at mine, it’s so fashionable.
    Little lamb: Sorry girls, this is the trend now, yours are outdated!
    Little lamb 2: Look at me! I’m the coolest lamb in the meadow!
    Little lamb: I love it!
    Little lamb 3: look I got that haircut too!
    Little lamb: Come on! You should get this haircut!
    All the lambs: Yay!

  3. At first, we can see three lambs which will represent different scenes. The first one is when They have a conversation and maybe the parents for the little lam, they are teaching to say bee bee.
    Later the parents start to eat the grass but the little lamb doesn't like the grass because It loves to eat flowers.
    Finally the little lamb became in a cow because he has colorful spots.
    The parents of the lamb are sad, but when they listened other little lambs, they understood the game.

    The game was to imitate different animals so that the people could know all the types that are in nature.

  4. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2 - 2ºA Bachillerato

    There are 2 sheeps and a lamb in the video which represents a family: 2 parents and a teenager. In my opinion the video explain the differences between those generations.

    In the first part we can see that the lamb moos instead of bleating. We can see that the words and expressions that teenagers and their parents are different. Moreover, they can’t understand each other in many situations. This idea also appears when the lamb doesn’t eat the same as the sheeps in the second part; its behaviour is completely different from the parents’ one.

    Teenagers need to experience the quest for their personality so they can sometimes behave in a strange way. This is why they change their look as we can see in the third part.

    I think that the most important thing in the video is the last we see. Then, the sheeps approve the way of being of the lamb. The video is a simile of the evolution of the relationship between two parents and their teenager.

  5. There are two sheeps, and I think that they are parents. They have a Little sheep.
    The Little sheep is really different to his parents, for example, it makes a differend sound or it eats flowers instead of grass.
    The parents feel disappointed because their Little sheeps isn't similar to them.
    Suddenly, they discover that a lot of families around them have the same situation. The parents feel conforted, because they feel part of a group.
    Humans need it too. We love differences but, even we want to be the most different person in the world, we need feel part of a group because we are sociable beings.

  6. This video starts showing a family in which the parents don´t accept what their children want to be. Then they see other family in which the children want to be also a different thing of what it is suppose to. Finally the parents realize they have to accept the decision and love their children and what it want to be instead of trying to force it to be a different thing. Nowadays we can see this kind of behaviour in some parents for example when their children have to decide what they´re going to study and they try to convince them to choose a certain degree instead of support their children decision.

  7. The lamb's parents are shocked, because their little lamb doesn't sound like the other sheep: It's making „moo" instead of „baa".

    But I think that there is a deep message here.
    It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that you are being true to yourself and showing that there is nothing wrong about not being the same, just accept who you are and be you.

    Also I think that maybe there is one more deep message ,let kids be kids, they have crazy imagination, so let them have fun.


  8. The history is about two adult sheeps and their lamb. They want the lamb to do the same as them. So,firstly when the adults bleat they expect the baby sheep to imitate them but the lamb makes a different sound.
    Then, when they are eating grass the lamb try to eat it but he doesn´t like so he eats the flowers.
    Finally the sheeps get their hair cut and when the little one go to cut its hair,the lamb appears with his hair dyed and with a different hairstyle so the fathers feel dissapointed because their lamb is different from a normal sheep but they realize that the other lambs of the other sheeps are equal to their lamb so they calm down because their lam is not different from the others.
    In my opinion the video promotes that people must respect differences and that you have to let people be themselves because no one can take away the freedom to be yourself. And specifically the video makes reference to parents who want their children to be one way and are disappointed when they are not.

  9. This video represents the history of our society until today. The baby sheep was born a little different from its parents. It´s not about the appearance but about its beahviour and likes.
    Nowadays, We live in a society in which we can decide almost everything.It´s been a long time of changes and fights to accept that everyone is free to express their feelings, free to wear whatever or free to decide if you want to love a man or a girl, without depending on you are a male or female.
    In conclusion, this video makes us realize that we are free and we can do whatever we want to do, without expecting what our friends,people or even parents can say about us, because the only thing that matters is to be who you really are.
