Friday, October 27, 2017

Hopeful or hopeless?

Whose vision do you stand by, Dr Horrible's or Penny's?Why?

Listen and sing along your part.


  1. I agree with Dr.Horrible´s vision of the world. The society we are in teaches us that the only thing important for us must be our own wellbeing, regardless how it could affect others. It can be seen in our fear to the different, we try to protect ourselves form something we don’t know by attacking it, and making people feel miserable in the process.

    We harm others and we constantly lie, and what is worst is that we can avoid it, and we don’t do it. We don’t care about anything until it is us who’s in trouble, "as long as it doesn’t happen to me", but the truth is that things happen and it is then when we want others to help us and to be next to us. If everyone acts selfishly, why should I care about others who doesn’t think about me a single moment?

    It is very hard to have a dream and try to fulfill it if you cannot live off it, the only thing worth caring is our contribution to society, not our happiness. Moreover, we all lack responsibility. We must learn that acts have consequences and that before doing something we have to think twice the effects it will have. It is necessary to stop the recklessness we live with before we learn it the bad way, which implies suffering.

    That´s how we work and this situation doesn’t seem to improve, indeed it is worsening.

    Fran Sivianes Ramírez 2º Bach A

  2. I’d say that I wholeheartedly agree with Penny. Penny’s opinion is not just complaining about everything as Dr’s Horrible does. I think that you have to be hopeful. You have to be hopeful because there are obviously good people in the world. I cannot think that everybody is bad, everything is wrong or unfair in life, I cannot be such a pessimistic person. I’m aware of the fact that the humankind is getting worse, but is the solution thinking that this won’t change?
    I stand by Penny’s vision. I’m hopeful about the future because the education is helping new generations to know how they should be, what is moral or unmoral and that’s why I’m really looking forward to the future.

  3. I stand by Dr. Horrible's vision.
    There is a sentence that Dr.Horrible says:"The world's filled with filth and lies." I totally agree with this sentence, we live in a world where power is more important than humbleness or goodness.
    Also there is another sentence that for me has got an important meaning:"And Penny doesn't seem to care that soon the dark in me is all that will remain."
    I think that society live in a bubble where people only thing in themselves, doesn't matter what happens outside.
    So, yes, I think that I stand by a hopeless vision of the world.

  4. I stand Penny´s vision of life.I share her opinion because everybody can make another person happier and everybody can make another person´s life better with just a detail.But not always and not everybody has good intentions,not everybody wants the good for people and not everybody is happy with themselves. That,s the mission of people who share this vision of life, make those pesimist lives better and more optimistic because there´s always something good in the bad.However, we have to be realistic and we have to face bad moments in the best possible way but not being stupid and ignorant. I mean, not always everything is great and pink, but that´s why we have to contribute society with our thought, optimistic but realistic because with sadness we don´t go anywhere.

  5. I agree with Penny because Dr Horrible's vision of the world is really useless. I think that if we believed that world is full of evil we would never be happy.
    Moreover of the goal of being happy, that I consider essential, I think that a negative vision doesn't help us to improve ourselves, and this is the other thing in life I consider important.
    To reach our goals we have to work and a positive vision helps us to reach them, like scientific studies say.
    In short, I'm agree with Penny because I think that the world is full of good people and we should emphasize in this and not in bad things to make humankind advance. To be hopeful is the only way to continue despite all bad things.

  6. I stand Penny's vision since she has a more positive view of life and surely it makes her happier than Dr Horrible. Besides, I disagree with the idea that all our dreams and hopes are shattering apart and crashing to the ground, I believe that everyone must have objectives to achieve and to reach them you need to have a postive vision like Penny's.
    José Martín Medina 2ºBachA

  7. I stand by Penny´s vision, the hopeful one because I think that the hope is the last thing we should lost.
    If you´re hopeless in my opinion your life won´t have any sense, not having hope implies thinking that your life won´t be better, so what do you live for?

  8. I stand by Dr Horrible's vision of the world. Although Penny has a point in some ideas, I think that Dr Horrible's point of view is more accurate with the reality.

    Like Dr Horrible says, we live in a world full of lies where the only things that really matters are money and power. People are becoming more and more selfish and shallow, and the worst thing about it is that many people don't realize what's happening. It is true that, like Penny says, there's good in everybody's heart, but there's no doubt that evil outweighs good.

  9. I stand by Penny's vision because the most important thing for people is to be hopeful. That's the key to get your goals. In adittion, if you lose the hopeful, life doesn't have sense because you think you can't do anything to improve youself, so what is your purpose for your life?

    María Villarreal Palomo, 2ºA Bach

  10. I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Horrible because what I see in my day to day life is nothing but a system that chokes us almost until our free time and personality are erased. We have to commit to such high expectations that only the privileged can reach that it often leads to low self steem. As a fact, depression is nowadays´ epidemy, and that happens because of something. It happens because we are raised as competitors, we are taught to always do well and that sadness is bad, that we have to avoid it. But that is a huge lie, sadness is human and in low moments of life, pretending to be OK is the last thing we need. No one ever worries about others´ happiness, is only productivity that matters. We live obsessed with high marks, high salaries, high positions, that we forget what it is to live life, to be ourselves, to be curious, to dream, to enjoy the world. I think no one can truly be happy in the world we are right now, and that there´s hardly any solution because no one is able to see the struggle. As a consequence, it will only get worse and we are condemned to an endless circle of unhappiness and inhumanity.


  11. I agree with Dr.Horrible´s visión, it is true that Penny´s one is much more beauty and poetic but it is just a nice lie because we all know what has human race done since we exist. So much injustice an war.
    It is sad but nowdays we can change it with a good education and patience.
    Leonardo Esparrica Torrecila 2bachA

  12. I agree with Penny´s vision, we need to be hopeful about the future, and try to be happy.
    The world isn´t full of evil, like Dr Horrible said, of course there are people who has not good intentions, but , also there are good people who are going to make your life better.
    We should focus on those people and try to be like them. Just like Penny´s says `` And you beleieve there´s good in everybody´s heart´´

  13. I agree with Penny. I think people should not lose hope in what they do. In my opinion we can´t live thinking that ''the world´s filled with filth and lies'' like Dr Horrible said because in that way we couldn´t get better the world,so I think that with hope,being optimistic and believing in others we can achieve our objectives.

  14. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero 2ºA Bachillerato - Nº2

    I agree with Dr. Horrible’s opinion. The values that nowadays are rewarded are useful to create a developed world, not necessary fair. Our society impose us the way to reach the happiness and it is closely related to our property and job. Relationships and helping the others can be omitted if they are an obstacle.

    In addition this makes us to ignore real problems that society has. If we solved them, the world would be a happier place to live but we are selfish and we only take care of ourselves. This is the example of wars, poverty, or hunger.

    In a world like that it isn’t possible to be happy as Penny because that would mean that you are blind to all this injustice. You would be, indeed, lying to yourself. We must be concious how the world that we have created can make a person so miserable. This is the only way to change everything.

  15. I stand by Penny´s side.

    I think that those who stand by doctor horrible´s side have some reason to think that way, reasons such as wars, climate changing, terrorism ... But if everyone stays by that side the world won´t become any better, it will stay at it is because everybody would think that there is no reason to have hope in a better future. Penny´s side is a much better choice only if you keep in mind that there are still a lot of things to change in this world.
    Being possitive doesn´t equal being ignorant, that´s why I support the hopeful side

  16. I agree with Dr. Horrible's version of life. I think that there are people who are simply mean because something has happened to them and they pay it with everyone else, not allowing the human kind to improve.

    I would like to believe Penny's vision of the world and thinking that if you have hope you can overcome everything and that everyone will do so. However, the nowadays society is the example of how people do whatever is necessary for their own well-being. It's true that not everybody is this way, but I do think that the proportion of bad people outweighs that of good people.

    Personally, I have hope and I want to preserve it. At least the people closest to me have demonstrated me that the world can change.
    I would like to point out that it's much easier to be "contaminated" and becoming like Dr. Horrible than changing for better and taking after Penny-this doesn't help much the world.

    Daniel Pérez Nogues, 2º Bachillerato A

  17. I agree with Dr. Horrible. Nowadays,´"Hopes and dreams are shattering apart". It is a lie that all dreams will be fulfilled and the effort has its reward. We can be positive as Penny but all is not hapiness like she says.
    We must be realistic and see that the world is not as beautiful as everyone says. "How the world’s filled with filth and lies"
    Unfortunately, the world needs a change, and if we think that everything is fine we will not do anything to make it a better place for everyone.

    María José López García 2ºA


  18. I stand by Penny’s vision because the most important thing in your life is to be hopeful, and I think that people should have dreams. In my opinion we can´t life with Dr Horrible´s vision because in that way we couldn´t do better things. So I think that if you have some dreams you should focus in this because at the end you will get it.

  19. I unfortunately agree with Dr. Horrible's point of view. I think, like he mention on his part , the world’s filled with filth and lies. You can see that everyday on the news, with titles like "a men has murdered his wife while his son was in the crime scene", or "a terrorist has run over dozens of people in Barcelona". I can`t belive the world it´s a nice place when I listen that.
    I would like to agree with Penny´s point of view, but in my opinion she´s not realistic, but she will live happier. Maybe we all need to have both point of views, first one to have our feets on the floor, and the second one to stand up and resist all filth and lies.

  20. Nowadays he would still be a controversial person, because critical people are rejected even nowadays and gay people are still discriminated .
    Oscar Wilde describes his way of life in one of his aphorisms:
    -"Fortunately , i don´t think i´m normal"


  21. I agree whit Dr. Horrible because he can see that humankind has gone insane.
    However , I don´t think that everybody is bad because “Good” and “Evil “ are human concepts, as well as, love, hate or insane.
    For this reason hopes and dreams are shattering apart because, in real life, we are animals.

    In this false world that we have created, every beautiful thing have something kind of pain.


  22. I stand by Dr. Horrible's vision, which does not imply to live unhappily as many people might think. This realistic way of thinking is not far from our actual world, so if you don't have any marvelous and wonderful expectations of things you really worry about, anything will disappoints you and you won't struggle with all kinds of troubles that comes up with this situation. Enviromental issues, politicians troubles, contras between poorness and wealth, etc, are examples of situations that makes me unfortunately feel according to Dr. Horrible.
    2º Bach C
