Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Art for art's sake

Who was Oscar Wilde?

Oscar Wilde was an Anglo-Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and critic. He is regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of the Victorian Era. He was a proponent of the Aesthetic movement, which emphasized aesthetic values more than moral or social themes. Find out here why he was a controversial figure of his time.

Would he be still controversial nowadays? Quote one his aphorisms as an example.


  1. I think that Oscar Wilde wouldn´t be controversial nowadays because we are more open-minded that people of his time. Although, we would be a famous person currently, I see that he is a curious character and he could be topic of discurssion in social networks, newspapers for how he saw the world. "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing."

  2. “I can resist everything except temptation”

  3. He was controversial and nowadays I'm sure that he would be still controversial.
    "All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his."
    "Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance"
    "Women are made to be loved, not understood"

  4. He was a controversial figure because he was a famous playwright whose opinion was different to most people. Besides, he was a tried for his homosexually relationships.
    He would not be a controversial figure nowadays because homosexuality is accepted by most people.
    One of his aphorisms, for example, was “one should be in love: that is the reason one should never marry”.


  5. Nowadays we can find a huge variety of points of view and therefor surely there are some like the ones in the Victoria Era. Fortunately with the new generation this controversial vision of his thoughts will dissapeard. Overall humans always tend to criticize everything that surrounds them.
    "To expect the unexpected shows a throughly modern intellect" In my opinion in this quote he was describing himself as a change in that era.

  6. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero 2ºA Bachillerato - Nº2

    Oscar Wild would already be controversial, in my opinion. He was so controversial in Victorian Age due to sentences as: "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." He lived in a so religious society and he could get into trouble because of his ideas.

    Nowadays, he would have so many sexist ideas as we can see in: “One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that would tell one anything.” Furthermore, I think he wouldn’t aprove our capitalism. He tried to show that values of capitalism were a nonsense by writing concepts such as: “Nowadays people know the price os everything and the value of nothing.”

  7. The boooks that the world calls immoral are the books that show its own shame.

    It means that the book which are prohibited show the reality and anthouoght people forbid these books, they can't hide the truthç

    Paula Álvarez-Ossorio Sánchez

  8. Ah! Don't say you agree with me. When people agree with me I always feel that I must be wrong.

    Nowadays, I believe that this point could be controversial because is fairly meaningful and in this time, lots of people think the same than Oscar Wilde. If someone tells you that you are correct, you start to wonder and the doubt makes you deny on your thought. I think it's very common in our lifes.

  9. "A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction."

    In my humble opinion, Oscar Wilde would surely be controversial nowadays if he still lived now. He had a very sexist way of thinking, just as every men of his time. He highlights the good and honorable life of men, but rejects that of women.
    These days, the ideas that he supports would be immediately denounced and criticized by the vast majority, since the thinking of men has changed and the life of a man is equally worthy than that of a woman.


  10. "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

    Your enemies expect you to act the same way they do towards you. If you forgive them, not only will you feel more relaxed, but you will also annoy them. They won’t know how to react to you attitude, and they will then feel confused, and that will make them feel angry. Enemies want you to fight back, and if you don’t, they won’t have anything that can hurt you.

    Isabel Rodríguez Cruces

  11. "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

    This quote says that all saints before being declared saint,were normal people like us, because no one born into sainthood. So, you could be a saint doing good.

    It also says that every sinner has a future, which means that they have an oppotunity to become a better person an fix what they did in the past.

    Therefore, in theory, anyone could become a saint.

  12. "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

    All of us have a past, we have done things that we don´t want to remember because now, we see the mistakes. In the past we acted according to our throughs, in the future we try to not do repated mistakes that´s why we don´t know how we are going to act in the future. Nobody is perfect, everybody have mistakes.

  13. "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."
    I think that this quote would still be controversial nowadays because many people still think that love should be given to other people, but they forget that true love begins by loving ourselves. People without self-love, can not fully love other people.
    We are made to love others, but the true lover of self is going to be lonely until death parts him from himself.

  14. The world was made for men and not for woman.

    Nowadays, if somebody a little popular said that phrase it would be controversial. This is not the only quote which is refer of differences between women and men.
    On the nineteen century, those thoughts, in that context could be seems like normal. Indeed, the feminist movement started on those years due to the Industrial Revolution. Until then, women were just living for marriage and to be the maid of their husband.
    They thought that men had different responsabilities and rights as women had. Now, he would be very sexist. We all know (or we should know) that women and men have to expect for the same responsabilities and rights. We should have a say.
    Like the song Man's world says: "This is a man's worlds but it wouldn't be nothing without a women or a girl".

  15. Óscar Wilde was contraversial because I think that he was homoxesual ; he lived in the Victorian Era. It was an inequitable society . People didn't accept Óscar Wilde because they didn't want homosexual person in his time . In Victoran Era they had other cultures and other thoughts, but nowdays I think that people accept this fact , people homosexuals with equality. They don't discriminate. People are more aware that a man may want another man or a woman to another woman and nothing happens. "What man has sought is neither pain nor pleasure, but simply life. Man has sought to live intensely, completely, perfectly. When he can do it without exercising the restriction on others, or suffer sometime, and his activities are pleasing to him, he will be healthier, healthier, more civilized, more himself. Pleasure is the test of nature, its sign of approval. When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environment."

  16. He would probably be a controversial figure in our era, due to his thoughts.

    Some of them would be very revolutionary in his time, like the idea of having a relationship with someone with the same gender as you, but others should not be accepted anymore.

    One example is this quotation, that reflects the situation of women in Victorian Era: "The world was made for men and not for women".

    That thought might have been accepted in his time, but it isn't anymore. He thought that men were above women and had more rights than them, but, fortunately, a lot has changed until now.

    Rocío Quiñones, 2° Bach C.

  17. "Women are made to be loved, not to be understood."
    This quote from Oscar Wilde would remain controversial nowadays due to a message that would be considered sexist by most of society.
    With this phrase, it is understood that he considered women simple objects whose only function was to satisfy men. A sexist way of thinking was common at that time, but today, we have achieved a certain equality in which people like him would not be accepted.
    Ana Merino Algaba. 2º bach C.

  18. He would not be a controversial person nowadays because he would not have got married with a woman. As he was a homosexual person, he would have got married with a man nowadays. Because of that, he could not have lied about his homosexuality.
    I relate my idea with this aphorism:
    “Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things,is the proper aim of art”

    Jaime Mármol Torres 2 Bach C

  19. I think that Oscar Wilde would be very controversial nowadays because his thoughts is different to the rest of people. He expressed this ideas straight as an arrow and in this society the special cause confusion.
    Oscar wilde said: Why do you talk so trivially about life? Because I think that life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it.
    I think that this idea would clash nowadays because in this society the life is always a serious matter that nobody take as a joke.

  20. “She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman”

    I think Oscar Wilde would be controversial nowadays if he still lived now,because a woman can dress as she wants, she don´t have to be desperate to find the ideal mate. In his time Oscar Wilde was controversial for his homosexuality but nowadays he would be controversial for his way to seeing womans

    María Morales Mellado 2BACH C

  21. It's obvious that Oscar Wilde was a controversial figure on his period. Principally by the fact that he was homosexual , which was a crime.

    I have read some Wilde's quotes and he could be controversial in some of them and in others not , for our time.

    "Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them, sometimes they forgive them."

    This quote for me could be true , but only for the minority of people who don't love his family. All in our life have had disagreements with ours , but we have always loved them. That's so controversial for the people who really love his parents and take care of them.

    "Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship."

    From my point of view , this quote again it's controversial. It is because I believe in the friendship with men and women and vice versa , and I think that it's the first to do before take the next step.

    SLR 2ºBach C
