Thursday, December 1, 2016

Making the best of your studying time?

Watching this video might help you improve your performance. Note down the tips and add your own to the list. Share yours posting a comment.


  1. When I study I usually listen to music in low volume, If I were you I would do that because it makes easier focusing in what you are studying, it has been demonstrated by lot of scientists who had studied how the brain act when you listen to music.

  2. To my mind:
    -You should read what you are studying many times in order to memorize it.
    -You ought to repeat what you have read loudly while walking around your house.
    -If I were you, I would leave everything that could distract me as far as possible.

  3. I also recommend you not studyng a lot the day before an exam bacuse you get stressed use that day only to revise what you have studied the others days in order to refresh your knowledge about the subject

  4. I don´t really have the gratest way to study but when I need to memorize lots of information I follow this steps:At first I read the whole page, trying to understand what I´m reading. Then I take my markers and I underline keywords which are going to be important. At lastI resume it on my notebook.
    Maybe one of my manias is to always have food in front of me, even if I´m not hungry. Sometimes it's the best way, because you don't have to stand up and waste time going to the kitchen. In that short travel can distract yout mind.

    Alexandra García Rengifo 1ªbach

  5. When I study, I do different things, and these are some of them:
    I usually study during one hour and later, I listening to music. Sometimes, I sing some song, and this is good for clear my mind. I do summaries to clear out all information. Later, I study that instead the book, because it’s easier. The last one is underline, if you do this, you will learn information faster.

  6. My tips for study are:
    Don’t study during all afternoons without a break.
    Moving, I can’t study at the same place I have to move.
    For me, eating or drinking something helps me on my concentration.
    I can’t read only in my mind I have to read out loud if I don’t do that I’m never going to learn well what I’m studying.
    If It’s a sunny place I don’t know why but I’m going to focus easier.
    Also, It’s useful for me use keywords or do summaries because that clear my mind.

  7. When I study, I have some tricks like these:

    -I listen slow music to concentrate easier and clean my mind of all distractions.
    -I summarize the information to learn it faster.
    -At least, I have to sleep 7 hours. It’s necessary to take in the information.

    I think that it's really important to have a correct study.

    María Villarreal Palomo
    1ºA Bachillerato

  8. I agree with these tips, but I have another tip for remember lists of features, etc, and it is to memorize the number of features you have to remember and a keyword of each. This will help you to check in the exam if you are missing something.

    José Luis Gómez Rubiales
    1º Bach B

  9. When I study, I have some tricks like these:
    -I usually sumarize the content to revise it.
    -I study early to get it better with more details ,in the morning.
    -I sleep more than 8 hours to be rested and focus on the thing that im studying.

    I think study in a comfortable way is the most important in the student life´s.

    Álvaro Bernal Caunedo
    1ºA Bachillerato

  10. I agree with these tips, but I have another tips that I used to study. I read the important content many times because I understand it better. Another tip is that you must be relaxed when you studying, if you are not relaxed is worse.

    Robert Esquerre Valiente 1°Bach B

  11. As far as I´m concerned, these tips for studying are great and I actually share most of them but I can add a couple more to make your time spent studying even more effective:

    -Get used to a place and a time to do it and make yourself a stable routine.
    -Never worry too much, never stress yourself to the point of having anxiety. Mental breakdowns are not worth it.

    Being confident and relaxed is essential for every student´s performance in tests.

    Celia Rodríguez, 1ºA.

  12. Speaking from my personal experience, the tip that I find the most useful is to read the information you have to study and repeat out loud everything you have studied. It works really well, but you have to be focused, otherwise you won't be able to learn anything. I also recommend to follow the first tip of this video which I personally use too.

    Fran Sivianes Ramírez 1 Bach A

  13. - Listen to music while studying. Music needs to be relaxed. Avoid listening it on streaming, internet might distracts you, try to download it.
    - Keep your notebook clean and organised. Colours markers are highly recomend, but they are not indispensable. Instead of colours, you can write down ideas in different types of letters if you, if you want so.

    Irene Garnica Fernández. 1 ° BACH B

  14. When I'm studying I only focus in study very hard and my tips of study are:
    Always I do a summary with keywords.
    I go to sleep at 10:30 because I need to stay rested for the next day.
    The place when you study is very important because you must stay very concentrated in the text.

    But is true that each person has a different technique the most important thing is that you pass your exam!!

    Pablo Sanchez Fargallo 1ºA bachillerato

  15. Personally, I have four tips:

    -Study with a whiteboard.
    -Make mnemonic resources.
    -Underline the important ideas.
    -Write clear.

    Probably the rest will have different tips for a study habits. I think that each person have personals means for a better study.

    Patricia Vargas Niño 1 Bachillerato A

  16. From my point of view the best way of studying is to make charts or tables that help you to sumarize the information in order to memorize it more easily.
    I also think that you should stay away from the possible distractions that may make you be less focussed on your studying, like the mobile phone.
    One tip is studying while you are walking, at least that works for me.

    Daniel Pérez Nogues, 1º Bachillerato A

  17. I'll give you my three favourites advices for learning:
    1. The fisrt one is that you have to keep focussed on the lesson that teacher is giving to you because you will understand it better when you are studying at home.
    2. The second one is that you must read conciously the lesson three or four times and repeat it a lot.You have to write it two times then.
    3. The last one is that you have to start studying one week before the exam because the day before you'll be more relaxed and you will only have to revise the lesson.

  18. When i study i usually use my mobile phone because i listen to music to be more focused. I think eating gum is bad when we are studying because we lose time

    Carlos Marin arce 1B

  19. This video is really good but I am going to add somes advices from myself. Firstly you need to be alone, if you are with somes friends you cannot be absolutely focussed. You should also highlight the most important words to learn them easier.
    Finally you can´t study all the exam the last day, you must be constant and study a little every day.

  20. My advice to study are:
    Do not study the day before, study every day
    Rest when I go to study
    In a little noisy place and summarize the sections
    These are the ways in which I study

  21. From my point of view the most important thing to have before you study is concentration. Focus on what you are studying so you take less time to memorize and understand it. Don´t spend much time in your room and leave to clear. Another very important thing to do is to sleep between 6-8 hours because this way you are more rested and with an open mind.
