Monday, September 20, 2021

Welcome back!

 Image by Innviertlerin from Pixabay

What about a present for a good start? What would you give? What would you like to get?  💭


  1. I would like to get an extravagant pen because I love everything related to school material, pens in particular. I would give a rubber because it is very useful and usually nobody has one.

  2. I would give a backpack to my friend Maria because she is looking for a new one. I would like to get a new pencil case because mine is damaged. Berta Capote

  3. The present I would give to a friend of mine for a good start would be an inspirational diary to cheer him/her up. However, I would like to get colored markers since I like taking beautiful notes.
    -Teresa Fombella ElĂ­as.

  4. I would give away a watch. Because it is necessary to know how to organiza over time.
    I would like you to give me a notebook, because I usually write and I like draw

  5. If I had to choose, I would go for a book, as a good present to start the curse.
    However, I think I would give some school material, like a new folder.

  6. The present I would give is something to organize the new year we have started, for example a diary or a planner.
    I would like to get some school material like a backpack or a pencil case.

    Laura Borrego Montoro

  7. I would give a friend highlighters.
    I will like to get a diary.

    Marina Barea

  8. I would give a book about one of the subjects, so my friend would learn more about it. I would like to get some colored pencils to draw.

    - Paula Villar

  9. I would like to receive a diary because that way I would write things feeling more special. I would give my friend a pen so that when she writes she will remember me and be happy.

  10. I would give a green pen.

    I would like to get a case.

  11. I would give a watch, to be able to see what time it is everytime they want. I would like to get a folder with a beautiful design.

    -Paula Palmero

  12. I would give a diary, because it's a very useful gift.
    I would like to get an umbrella for the rain in winter.
    MarĂ­a Delgado DomĂ­nguez

  13. I would give gloves and a scarf for the winter. I would like to get a colourful diary. (Paula GonzĂĄlez)

  14. This year I would like to get a new backpack as a present for the new course. My old backpack is already too much used and it's starting to tear. A good backpack is completely necessary to carry all the books to the school.

    This back to school I would give to some friend a usefull present like a pen with many colors, a good calculator or some colthes like a beautifull hoodie or a shirt to make it look so stylish.

    Francisco Muñoz LĂłpez 2ÂșC

  15. Elena MartĂ­nez Cruces 2Bachillerato C
    For back to school,I would like to receive a laptop...I think it is very necessary,as a student I have to look up information daily,do homework that teachers send and have everything stored in one place.
    I would gift a friend AirPods,so he can listen to his favorite music everyday on his way to school.

  16. I would give someone a notebok because is very important to take notes in class.
    I would like to get a diary because I do not have one and I need it to remember the important days.
