Thursday, November 16, 2017

Childhood is not a mental disorder

Labelling is a very efficient way of classifying items to arrange them in perfect order: goods in a store, articles in a museum showcase, species in nature ... There is an obvious practical purpose in that. However, can people be assigned to a category without running the risk of eversimplification? What is the purpose of the currently adopted habit of labelling children?

What about adults? Could labels be seen as a sort of shelter?


  1. I think that nowadays it is very common to label people because they act in a certain way.
    Disqualifying labels are not beneficial either for the one who puts them or for the one who receives them. On the one hand, the one that imposes them changes their perspective acording to "labeling" and on the other hand "labeling" behaves as such a label, because if they say it, it will be like that. Some people come with labels like "I am a depressed person" and in their daily life they justify their actions based on their disorder.
    To sum up, I think we should encourage ourselves to leave the labels and not use them as a mechanism to justify how we act depending on each situation. We must be ourselves and not let the comments of others change our way of being or acting.

  2. I think it is more difficult for adults to be labelled, and if they are, it may be because they have been labelled that way since they were little. Mainly because in childhood and adolescence we do not have our personality fully developed and we are quite impressionable. We care too much about opinions and sometimes we do not dare to confront them. But, when we get older, we reach the level of maturity required to confront them with indifference. Nevertheless, all this does not remove the possibility that labelled adults exist or that some attributions are real.
    However, I think that, although on many occasions it seems that labeled people take advantage of this situation to victimize themselves and get what they want, it is not easy and much less pleasant. Maybe it is nothing more than a self-defense method not to look weak and just avoid more insults.

    Ana Merino Algaba. 2ºbach C.

  3. In my opinion, adults tend to put less labels on society, although not all. Some of them label their children for the fact of being one way or another, for example if a child is shy, they tend to put that label for life without knowing, that the personality and character of someone can change due to their influences or education.

    Today we live in a world in which each person before knowing it, we usually label it, without knowing how it is, because it is something common in society. In children, the labels between them are more frequent and can even cause damage.

    They can be seen as a refuge for some people because we justify ourselves with that, we are like that because someone has judged us, without trying to do something to change it and try to really get to know ourselves.

    Marta Muñoz Mancera 2 C

  4. A lot of kids and teenagers are labeled with "mental disorders" that are based only on children's behave in certains situations. Psychologists don´t make brain scans, genetic or blood tests that approve they have a "mental illness", however these children are branded for life with psychiatric disorders, and prescribed with psychiatric drugs.

    I think that it's about accepting and being realistic about a condition that make kids different than others, is not labeling, is finding answers and solutions in order to search for the proper treatment.
    Kids and teens are in process to mature and we can´t label them. We have to understand that if we mark them we are making them more insecure.

    We live in a society that tend to label people around us, because we want organise society, and that it's impossible.
    And if an adult is prescribed with a mental disorder, he has to accept it and make his best to overcome it. He can't refuge in that, and make up excuses justifying their actions.


  5. From my point of view, in adults is less common to be labelled because they seem to be more independent in some context and they have their own personality. This doesn't mean that at chilhood it doesn't exists, but when we are teenagers we are usually guide by what the society established, such as clothes, way of talking, behaviour facing certain situations amongst others.We tend to built our character based in what is considered correct.

    Nowadays, we always label everyone with just the appereance. Actually there are social groups charactized by the type of music and how they dressed up. At childhood we are more exposed and ocasionally it hurts and became a huge problem for our personality construction.

    In conclusion, we should try not to label without knowing the person, and not attempt to belong to a certain social group. Instead of that, being yourself and don't use labels to justify your attitude.

  6. Labels are commonly used by adults as a reason to justify their behavior. "It is not that I like to talk badly about others, it is just that I am very critic" or the most common one, “people hate me because I am different not because I misbehave".

    They also tend to use the label that their works give them:
    in something that has to do with laws, a lawyer will always have the reason, no matter the truth or his real knowledge, just because he says that, it must be true, his label gives him that power.

    Furthermore, most of the time adults get attached to those labels, as we can see in the example of the unlucky person, who won’t try to change his life because everything that happens to him "is not his fault".

    Categorization is something natural we all do, whether we like or not. The problem comes when individuals take advantage of the category they are in to justify their wrong actions. Nevertheless, this issue is more commonly seen in those who are reluctant to mature.

    In conclusion, yes, adults do use the labels others give them as a shield not to feel guilty for their mistakes.

    Fran Sivianes Ramírez 2ºBach A

  7. Labelling is not a matter of age, it´s a matter of human instinct.When you see someone for the first time, you label him/her even though you don´t want to. Maybe this labels affect deeper in kids personalities than in adults. The reason is that when you are a kid, you are building your personality depending on the situations and the people you go with so these labels can be what mark your personality for the rest of your life.
    Nevertheless, adults can ignore these labels because they know perfectly how they are, how they feel with themselves and who they are.
    Besides, many adults use these labels to justify a behavior that they don´t usually have.They take advantages of this label using it as a shelter as it is said in the question.
    To sum up, labelling on kids could be more dangerous than on adults because of the grade of personality they have ¨built¨.Moreover, adults can use these labels to hide themselves in a different personality to behave in a different way.

  8. Adults are much different from children, so as labels in these case have another functions or purposes. Adults have surely been under all kinds of labels during their life, depending on their age, the situation and the people around. By the time people become mentally adults, they have learned how to deal with labels which they do not agree with, or which have a destructive intention.
    It can be also understood as a manner of organizing society, so as make everyday coexistence easier by laying ourselves on a certain typology or person, with a certain behavior. That’s how everyone tends to simplify eachself quickly and nonchalantly in order to have time for another “more important” stuff, putting our identity search aside.
    2º Bach C

  9. From my point of view, society has passed from not to think about mental disorder or labels, to labelling all people around us. I think that we have to change to a midpoint. Disorders like bipolar disorder or anorexia are very complicated and important mental illness and we should not banalize them. Sometimes labels are important because we have to make visible that mental disorders are very important and we should do something to solve it. On the other hand, some people see disorders where they are not and due to that children behaviour could be conditioned by adult´s opinions. In conclution, we must escape from extremes and try to know if some behaviors are symptoms of a mental disorder or if it is only a normal behavior in that person in question.

  10. Yes, I think that labels are shelters to adults.
    When people grow up, they choose a way of life. And they need to think that there is someone that choose the same way because he has the same problems and even he has the solution. Feeling that you belong to a group is necessary even for us.
    When we are children, we have a family and people around us and they care about us. But when we grow up, we need to feel that we belong to a group that they care about us instead of childhood’s people.
    To short, I think labels are sane for adults because they make an effect and they don’t feel alone.

  11. I think that nowdays there are labels as much as adults and childhood. It isn´t the same reality because in childhood there are more problems than adults for example at school, at home…
    It is more difficult for adults to be labelled because they have a personality and they know the problems of the outside world.

    I think that labels can be seen as a sort of shelter, we won´t know the situation of each person in this world, if they have problems maybe they try to hide it with different labels. For this in my opinion we must help them and you should ask yourself what happens to him instead of judging him.


  12. From my personal point of view, it depends on the person.

    Some adults try to use the labels as a shelter just to avoid some kind of situations, such as a social environment they don't want to be in. But I think they do it because they're afraid of what could happen in those situations.

    However, most of them don't even want to say they have those disorders. They hide it from the rest of the world because they're afraid to be judged by society, to be treated like weirdos.

  13. I think that those adults who have a disorder which had been diagnosed by a doctor don't use it as a shelter just because the disorder is an illness and something bad for them. Even some of those adults take medication to overcome the disoder and become persons who are socially accepted.

    But those adult who aren't mature enough invent a mental problem to shield themselves and not face reality. For them force people to accept them because they have a disease is more comfortable than trying to change their way of being. I consider that it is an unacceptable behaviour and the only thing they get is separate themselves from society.


  14. Today is very common in our society to assign labels to people. We usually classify them according to our first impression about him or her.
    In my opinion discualifying labels are not beneficial neither for who puts them or who receives them,too. On one hand, the one who puts it,changes his perspective on labelled and on the other hand that can influence the behavior of the person and act as they label.
    Anyone shouldn´t label people with the first impression of them because people can´t know us for only one impression. Also, I think that many people have assumed their labels and justify their actions according to their disorder, for example people who say that they are depressed and use that like an excuse to not to do some things.
    I think labels are more usual in childhood than in adults just because when we are young we are more insecure and we are more affected by what people think of us. However, as adults, we are more mature and we don´t usually care what people think or comment on us. What does not mean that adults do not have labels, but in my opinion those who have it, is because they have always said what they are and have made it part of their identity.
    So labels shouldn´t change or made how you are because normally they do not let us know the real people who hide behind those labels.

  15. I don´t think we use labels to benefit ourselves, in fact, it is quite the opposite: we suffer from them, we are limited by others because of what they think we are. Since the very beginning, we are classified wether we are this or that most of the time, and people make sure to remind you every time you have a behaviour close to your label how much they are right. Furthermore, when you show a slightly different behaviour, they act surprised and they try to connect everything you do to your predetermined label.
    This doesn´t allow us to develop ourselves as much as we´d want to. It takes a lot of effort to outgrow labels.
    Although people tend to be much more comfortable around labeled things, we must really stop classifying people because we are cutting our own possibilities.

  16. The identity and behavior of people are influenced by how society has classified them. For some people, being labeled as a whatever actually encourages them to behave in ways that are consistent with the label.
    For example, a teenager who is caught cutting class and labeled as a delinquent, may be less motivated to attend class, thinking that there's no point in making an effort to attend class as no one expects him to be there anyway.
    So it’s like a refuge, we are like that because someone has judged us.

    But also sometimes we tend to label ourselves, labels are what we call ourselves in our head. But we are not perfect, we develop during our lives. I think that the labels we attach to ourselves can be a powerful motivator or detractor. I think that one word cannot define you as a person because we can always change what we don’t like about ourselves.

    Rosa Alonso 2ºA

  17. As I see it, I would say that adults are also labelled as children are. These labels used for adults have a deeper meaning than children’s due to the fact that adults have their own personality much more developed because they have lived longer. Labeling an adult is likely to be difficult as it is necessary to know them very well.
    From my point of view, labels are commonly seen as a kind of shelter as they can give people sort of protection when you need it. For instance, someone considered as shy is not usually asked to give a speech in front of several people, so they can use it whenever they want, such as if they don’t feel like taking part in an oral presentation for a school project.

  18. In my opinion, labels could be harmful in the society because we usually think something about people who we don´t really know and we judge them only for their first imression.
    Nowadays, these labels are stablish especially when you are a child and your personality is not fully formated. Your family, friends and teachers usually put these labels without thinking that this can cause damage in yuor personality. Also, in teenagers it is really common,too.
    The problem is that society doesn´t understand that these lebels are really difficult to eliminate, an you can be an adult and still having a lebel which you probably do not agree with it.
    For some people this labels are useful because they use them as excuses and they have found a refuge in them.
    Elena Rodríguez Arincón 2A

  19. I think the aim of this video is to warn people about the damage they can cause by labeling people that way. Despite the fact that it's something we do almost automatically, we should try to control our words. We really aren't concerned about the consequences of our acts. By classifying people that way, we just make them hide their real personality. We should all be ourselves and not let anyone tell us what we are. "To define is to limit", said Oscar Wilde.

    In my opinion there's not a specific target audience - it's made for everyone who psychiatrically labels children, from their own partners to their teachers. It really transmits that deep message, and everyone obsessed with all mental illnesses and stuff should watch it.

    Isabel Rodríguez Cruces - 2° Bach. B

  20. Normally, we label people and it is something that we do unconsciously when we meet someone. Also, when we see that someone is different, we look for a label to define them even if you don't know them well.

    We shouldn't do that because labeling someone makes that person behave like that and it generates insecurity and a feeling of rejection.

    We should make the difference beetween opinions and facts, because once we label someone we tend to believe that they are that way even if they act in a different way, we are still attached to the label we've made.

    This video is for all people, teenagers, children and adults, because all of them label people, but specially for adults. Adults are those who tend to label children more frecuently(parents to their children, teachers in the school, people in the park, etc...) and it causes more damage because they are the most immature ones and they do what they see or hear.

    However, there are good labels which makes someone feels better which can cause the opposite effect. What you have to learn is how to use it.

  21. It depends on the label that each person has,but I think that everybody has feelings and they usually hide them behind that label. They are afraid of cristicism or sometimes they just feel lonely.
    I wish people thought about themselves without being affected by cristicism.
