Saturday, September 16, 2017


The United States of America's goals in September 1962.


  1. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2 - 2ºA

    I chose my aim long time ago and each day I am closer to it I know that I'm right. I continue working hard and dreaming because that objective is my function in this huge clock that society is.

    That in which I'm focusing is my happiness, the degree and marks I need to reach, my relationships and all those things that aren't easy at all but deserve to be tried.

    Above all, I hope I accept myself and build my own path, the right path that can be made only by myself and which I won't enjoy just at the end of it, but every moment I go on.

  2. I choose to study psychiatry as one of my goals in life and I choose to help people not because it is easy, but because it is necessary, because anything I can do for this world will serve to save lives and help people to be happy, because that is what I desire to do the most, because I´m not scared to fail and because I always intend to do my best.

  3. I choose to study hard and try to join in medicine degree because that´s what I want to do in the future in order to be happy, what is my goal in life, and I´ll work hard to achieve it.
    I choose it not because it´s easy, it isn´t, I choose it because I want to save lives and why not discover things such as the Cancer treatment.
    I want to be remembered as a man who saved millions of lives and I want to appear in future textbooks because of my achievements.
    I think that living a life and doing nothing special is a waste of time, or in this case, a waste of our life.
    We´re here to improve our world and give the next generation a better one than was given to us, life is not there to tiptoe, is there to leave a mark wherever you go.

  4. My aim is to travel around the world and do my best in everything, because that goal will help me to learn new cultures and get a new version of myself, because this challenge is not easy but I want to improve myself and learn to not to give up in a difficulty.

  5. I have been thinking about what should I do in my future,I was sure that not going to university is not an option,´the point is that I wasn´t sure about which degree should I chose.
    I realy like animals and nature in genelar, and I would like to have a job which consist in take care of them as much as posible so I thought in veterinarian sciences and biolgy.
    I talked to a vet who told me about bouth careers and he made me to prefere study for be a vet and also, the best veterinarian science university in Spain is in Córdoba and one biology university is in Seville, I want to leave my parents house as son as posible so now I am quit sure that I will try to study for be a vet in Córdoba

  6. I have many dreams a long time ago but one that I have wanted since I was little. Always I like animals like dogs, cats, hourses, and this year I have the opportunity to get my aim. I am sure that I will be able to get my dream however I think that It will be difficult, but I intend to work hard and improve my mistakes every day.

    My aim this year is that next year I will be studying vet in Cordoba with other classmates before of this, that goal will serve to organize my skills, but I think that if you hard work, you will get results. Maybe it is very difficult for me, but maybe I should try.


  7. I choose to prepare myself for University this year and study everyday, not because I like to study, because I don´t like it a lot, but I want to have a really nice job in the future, in which I can feel confortable and I can do the things I like best. Besides this, one of my main aims is to move myself abroad and visit different countries, to get this I need to work hard and be confident, it´s neccesary to reach my objetives.
    José Martín Medina 2ºBACH A

  8. I choose to be a nurse, not because it is easier than to be a doctor, but because it is a very direct way to help people , because when I grow up I wanna make my parents fell proud of me, because being a nurse is the challenge that I am willing to beat and I am pretty sure that I am going to make it.

  9. My most important purpose at this time is to overcome my studies as best as possible. I know that it´s hard but if we want to achieve something ,that requires effort and
    I´m willing to do my best to reach my goal. So that´s a challenge that I´ll intend to overcome

  10. I've always known that I was born to be a scientist, I'm a passionate about science. However, it was at the age of 13 when I really knew that my aim was to be an aerospace engineer. I know it will be hard to achieve that goal, since I will need a really high mark in Selectividad. But like the quote says, the risk of failing is what makes me keep fighting to accomplish my goal, and if I finally can't study my dream career, at least I can say I've tried, and I've done my best.

  11. I choose to work hard and get the better results as possible, not because it is easy, but because it is something essential to succeed in life, because that is my goal since I realized that I wanted to help our society by working on one of the most demanding fields, investigation, that field in which I am willing to be successful overcoming any difficulty, just because that is what I want the most.

  12. I must pass the university entrance examination to be able to study the career I want. That´s the most important goal right now. I know this year is not easy, but I must be organized and study everyday to get good marks. My future depends on this year and on the final exam, so I am quite stressed and overwhelmed because it is really hard.

  13. My aim is to do my best in this school year and to get the mark that serves me study Medicine. I choose this because helping people makes me really happy. When I selected it I knew it will be difficult, but complicated goals makes the person to improve theirself. I think that you don’t have to be afraid of the failure, but you have to think that it is a different way to learn a lot about yourself and your mistakes, and how to avoid them.

  14. I choose to go to every continent in the world, the first continent that I would like to go is Afica because I think that this continent is magic and fabulous. The things I like the best are the animals that live in this place, for example lions and crocodile. For this reason I will like to go to every country but in special Africa.

  15. I choose to go to United States next year to study.Maybe I can't reach my aim , but I am sure that I will try it. I didn't choose it because it is easy, but because it's a dream that I have since I was a child, and it is not easy at all. I am going to work hard to reach my goal , I finally don' t go , you will know that I have tried it.

  16. I choose to become a great athlete and personal trainer,because I love so much the sport and because I would like to help people who just want to improve their body or their health,in a way that quality of life of this persons improves too.
    Adrián Fernández Úbeda 2ºA Bachillerato

  17. Nowadays I choose to go to the university next year but before I have to pass the University-access test and I need brilliant results; It's hard but it is not impossible! In the future I want to study Medicine and I will help many people because it's my passion! My parents believe in me and they support me all the time so I work very hard this year to reach my goal! I will be able to do it because I never give up!

    María José López García 2º Bachillerato A

  18. Being a university student is something that can be hard.
    But what are you willing to lose not studying? Nowadays you need to study to get a good work. You have to be possitive and try to do your best, this is the only way to pass the challenge of working in what you like the most. This is my goal I'll reach be veterinarian.

  19. One of my goals at the moment is to finish my studies. It sounds easy, but in fact is one of the most difficult things in the life of a teenager.

    The main challenge is getting very high marks to be able to enter in the university that you want. Even some students (like me) don't know what they want to be.

    But that won't make me give up so easily; instead It will encourage me to study and work harder than ever. That is my aim and I'm ready to achieve it.

    Rocío Quiñones, 2° Bachillerato C.

  20. I wish I could too many things, and I will do everyting it's my hands because I want to make my wishes come true.
    Sometimes muy aims can be so hard to reach but fortunately I have with me people who encorauge me, and I will work hard to reach all my goals in live.
    For example I want to be phycologist but for get that title I have to get so good marks, and also to access to those university, I know it's going to be so difficult for me, but I will do my best of everything because that's something I really want. I have to get the necessary concentration to be focus for example. Also I want to get the capacity to be good for all the people. And also to forget bad things that people did to me.
    I'm sure that it will be hard, but I think that everybody can do whatever they want.

  21. Ana Merino Algaba - 2ºBach C

    I have chosen how to start my own life, and I think that the best way to get what I want is focusing on my studies and relationships.
    I have to study real hard this year to get the highest possible marks, and then, go to the University to study what I like. Having a university degree will make it easier to find the job I have always dreamed of and earn a lot of money.
    I always do my best and I will keep doing it, not for the goal of being accepted by everyone, but for me and for my happiness, my future. Learn to believe in yourself, that is what I try everday and the secret to success in both the personal and professional fields.

  22. I`m very young but i have a lot of objectives for my future life : first , I want to go to the university after finish the bachiller , I´m going to study history because , maybe , I will be teacher someday , this can be difficult because bachiller is so hard . On the other hand , I love art , actually , I´m writting a script because I want to be an artist in the future.


  23. I am willing to be a policeman, but it will be really hard because I need to be in shape and study hard. I want it because with this job I will achieve all my goals, like have enough money to live, have a cozy house, a healthy life and so on.
    I have to become a good football player too, but now, I can not train because of my studies, because i need the best possible marks this year.

    Jaime Mármol Torres 2º Bach C

  24. I am willing to be a successful entrepreneurs, but I need a good idea of business and spend a lot of time to make it work. I want it because is the best way to succeed in life, this kind of job can earn you a lot of money to live peacefully. To archive my goal I need to get good marks this year.

    Clemente García Fernández 2º Bach C

  25. I totally agree with Kennedy’s ideas in this quote. He tries to cheers people up by saying that taking the difficult way to reach their goals, will be surely rewarded.
    My aim in life is being capable in a future to build up a family and maintain it without any economics difficulties. In order to reach this, I’m willing to do my best and work hard. Actually, I think I won’t find difficulties in my future finding an employment, as I’m making an effort and learning day by day.
    I would like to work in the world of communication and media. However, I haven’t decide yet on what comunnication field I’d like to work at. Therefore, I’m taking a double university degree in Journalism and Audiovidual Communication. The only problem is his high cut-off mark to be accepted.
    My advice, to anyone who wants to follow his goal in life, is being persistent on the way.

    2ºBach C

    (Este comentario es el correcto)

  26. John F.Kennedy , one of the most famous presidents of the USA , gave to the American people and all of the world , a message of hope and motivation in this speech.

    Many of us have dreams , goals , that we want to reach. Some of them are difficult , but with effort and dedication , we can reach them.

    My objective now is have good marks to pass this year. My goal in this life , my vocation , is join in the Spanish Army. It's the dream of my life since I was child. I want to help people , and defend the world from the evil. It's not easy , but i will fight until the end to get it.

    Sergio - 2ºBachillerato C

  27. I'm willing access to University of Journalism because I've always wanted to study that, and I love the communication, the social networks and know the news about the world.
    On the other hand I know that this school year is difficult and I know I will have less free time to spend with my family but let me finish saying that If you get it you will get it althought you have to sacrifice yourself.

    María Morales Mellado 2ºBACH C

  28. In these moments of my life I have many goals.My main goal nowadays is to become a teacher. This is very important because it's a big challenge for me,it's a little hard but I'm willing to work hard for get it.

    I choose study this at the university because it's too important to have the job that you want in a future.

    Then in a few months I will do the university entrance examination.I want to take the maximum note, I'll give the best of myself because this is a big challenge for me.

  29. I don't believe that we have goals in a too long term of time. I think that your life gives you different challenge and you have to get them in a short term.

    Now, I probably have the same objetives as the rest of teenagers. I want to get the highest marks as possible and get a degree in politics sciences and law. In a personal way, I want to be sympathetic and kind with all people and be capable to get all my goals by myself. But, my most important purpouse in life is working with people that need help.

    To summary, this are the objetives that I choose to get. There's no time to postpone. I have already started fighting to achieve them.

  30. I am willing to be a great musician, because I love music and I love playing the guitar. I know it is really hard because I need a group and lots of free time to practise.

    Besides, I am so shy and I find it difficult to concentrate in public because of my scenic fear.

    Even so, the dream of my life is to do tours all around the world and bring the music style I usually listen to back into fashion.

    I have already started to write lyrics and my own songs. Maybe one day I would be famous and I would live for my concerts and fans.

    Álvaro Pastor García 2 Bachiller

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  32. My most important aim is to be international athlete, but now it´s impossible because i don´t have spanish nationality. I have to live in Spain 3 years and maybe i could fulfill my dream. Now i must train very hard and never give up during these years. It will be very difficult, but it was my dream since i was a child.

  33. I'm willing to be happy and make my parents proud. So I'd like to pass the exam (Selectividad) because I want to get a good job in the future . My parents encourage me because they want me to be sucessful in life. I want to be the best teacher because I love children and to teach them new subjects for example English. But first I have to get the B1 English Certificate. However , I'm not very good at the school subject, but I like it much .
    I know I will get it.

  34. I choose to study psychology next year and get a good job for me.
    It will be hard, because I need a high mark to access to the university. At the moment is the most important aim in my life. I'm going to use all energies and skills to achieve this goal. Such as concentrating on the subjects, studing longer hours to make it possible and do my best. I'm willing to become a great psychologist.

    Ignacio Repullo Corredera 2° Bach C.
