Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Tale as Old as Time

Making plans for the weekend? If you are a movie lover, going to the cinema and see Beauty and the Beast can be an option. Maybe watching the official trailer will help you make your mind up.

Here you can read something more about the film and the cast. Share your own ideas and opinions.


  1. I like the new movie. Because the actors are better. Also I like the graphics, but the film it's look like easy to do, but, almost all were do on computer. I prefer actuals, but i don't like the childish movies, however I wouldn't mind to see that movie one day.
    I remember the part when in a scary and dark night a group of wolves try to kill Beauty but the beast appears and scares them.

  2. I didn´t see the film when I was small but I want to see that one. I think that the film is so beautiful and interesting. The characters are Emma Watson and Dan Steven and the special effects are amazing and so beautiful.
    I like the scene when Belle and the Beast are dancing in the ball-room. She is wearing a beautiful and yellow dress and the Beast is happy because he´s in love.
    They are going to break the spell

  3. The moment that I most like is the last scene, when the rose's petal fall down and you can appreciate the background piano music. The rose is the symbol that is present throughout history. It is very moving.

  4. When I was a child I saw the animated film "The Beauty and the Beast",and I liked it.I think I'm going to watch the film because it is a musical film, and I love musicals.Also I love the actress Enma Watson, the star of the film, and I like fantasy films. I saw the trailer of the film and I remember the scene where Belle is with a lot of things and objets, such as a cup, a tee pot, a clock...
    She discovered that they can talk.Belle was surprised.
    I like this moment because it was surprising and beautiful.

  5. Ilike the moment when Bell see the beast face, with the candles in the dark. I like this moment because this escene is very amazing,I like this film, because it is for disney and is very atractive

  6. I really like the scene when a lot of objects started to sing and dance at the same time because I think edit it is very difficult and I like how they did it. Do this is spend so many months but it has great appearance. The movement of the objects is amazing and the voices are spectacular.

  7. In this picture belle is riding a white horse. Then some wolwes attack her. The beast defends her from the wolwes and they hurt him. Then she approaches to him and she asks the beast, "How are you?". I like this scene because it is about love. I like the horses too, that reason I choose this picture.

  8. I didn´t see the film when I was small. The characters are Emma Watson and Dan Steven. I saw the English and Spanish trailer of "The Beauty and the Beast" and I remember the scene in which the Beauty and the Beast are dancing on the big living room. Beauty is wearing a yellow dress and the Beast is wearing a blue jacket and a white t-shirt. There are happy.The moment was fantastic.I think I'm going to go and see her

  9. In the scene there is Belle´s father on the floor and appears the shadow of the Beast over him. Belle´s father was picking a flower and the beast guets angry. They were outside on the snow. And the Beast takes Belle´s father prisoner.
    I like it because that scene is exciting and misterious

  10. My favourite part is when there are around three wolves attacking Belle but she defends with a stick, next one wolf attacks her very fast but suddenly the beast appears and he defends the Belle and he is hurt. All the wolves scape. I like this scene because I think edit it is very difficult and I like how they did the wolves.
