Friday, March 31, 2017

Fond of sports? You might not really know

Are you a sporty person? Maybe you feel like trying a new one. In teams or individually you might enjoy some of these weird options: sepak takraw, cheese rolling, extreme ironing, chess boxing and much more.

Which one would you take up? Which one do you rule out at first glance? You can also get inspired and make up your own 😃
Submit comments with your ideas!

These are new sports created by 1st year students. Vote for the one you think more attractive.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Tale as Old as Time

Making plans for the weekend? If you are a movie lover, going to the cinema and see Beauty and the Beast can be an option. Maybe watching the official trailer will help you make your mind up.

Here you can read something more about the film and the cast. Share your own ideas and opinions.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Overconnected isolation

"US psychologists claim that social media increases loneliness"
That's what the headlines of this article appeared on BBC News state (March 6th). How can that be possible?
That's not a simple issue though.What comes first, isolation or overconnection? Is it an option for people not to get engaged with social media nowadays?

Here's what Jonathan Freeman, Professor of Psychology at Goldman University in London, suggests reminding yourself about social media in order to make it work for you.