Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The best version of yourself: A confident changemaker of the future


  1. The video remarks a very important aspect in our lives, which is usually forgotten. Since the day when we are born, we are being instructed in a philosophy of life that says image is what really counts. We must take a step back and learn to appreciate ourselves the way we are, regardless what others may think. In addition, we all must begin to change this situation, we have to value people for what they do, not for how they look like.
    As it is said on the video, just being concerned about appearance is very likely to hurt your health as well as your marks. We have surgery, develop different kinds of alimentary disorders, etc. In order to what? Is it worth risking your life to get a "like" on Instagram?
    Society is to blame for all this damage. Our mission is to teach our kids that they must not judge others.
    We are all concerned. Everybody suffers or has suffered from this situation. Let´s stop thinking about the shell, and start trying to see what is in the inside.
    Fran Sivianes Ramírez 1ºBach A

  2. I think that the only person that can decide about your body is yourself, if you feel okey, you won´t change anything. That´s simple. But if you don´t feel okay with yourself then try to change your style, your physic, your actitude by making sport or by asking to your friends and family how to improve yourself.
    This problem usually affect teenagers because we think that being different is bad and because of that we feel bad with ourselfs.
    In my opinion this issue wouldn´t exist if everybody respected everyone.

  3. David Jesús Árbol Guerrero Nº2 - 1ºA

    The main idea that the text remarks is that our identity doesn’t depend on our look at all. Due to the way we have been educated; all of us unconsciously think that appearance is what really matters. Moreover, prejudices make us blind and it causes that we become narrow-minded people. This affects to everyone in our society since the people that can’t belong to the role that is accepted will suffer. For this reason, nowadays, weak people is discriminated and this must change. We don’t realise how complex and interesting a person can be and that’s the main issue. If we don’t try to know each other as a human being that feels world won’t improve. We won’t live happy since we’ll be too obsessed with our appearance and we’ll forgot who we really are.

    I reckon that our function is to be conscious about injustice that this creates. We must learn to love ourselves and show everybody: kids, teenagers and adults; that it’s time to eradicate this nonsense philosophy.
