Thursday, November 3, 2016

Personal achievements

Have you ever thought about your biggest personal achievement so far? You might find it difficult to say just one although there must be lots. Listen to this song to get inspired :)


  1. My bigguest personal achivement so far has been to get the first place in a indoor footbal competition,when I was just eleven years old

  2. My biggest personal achievement so far has been that I made my mother happy when she was very sick.
    I was 13 years old when I was in the school, I printed a photo of her with me. I made her very happy and it was so important for me.

  3. My biggest personal achievement so far has been to be able to travel to a foreign country (Liverpool,UK) for fifteen days on my own, when I was just eleven years old.

  4. This song is a perfect inspiring song, I love it.
    My biggest personal achievement so far has been to get the second position in the last karate competition. It was very exciting, I won the firsts five combats and in the last combat I lost.
    I hope to get the first position in the next time.

  5. My biggest personal achievement so far has been to sing at 1 Yaer of ESO in front of a lot of people. It was a goal because I am so shy.

  6. My biggest personal achivement so far has been to make some people happy with my drawing. For me just to make someone happy doing something that i love makes me feel over the moon

  7. My biggest personal achiviement so far has been to be promoted with my football team and score ten goals.

  8. My biggest personal achievent so far has been to paint some pictures and give them to my family and friends because since i was six years old I loved to do that. I think that is very important to me. I usually paint the countryside and flowers. I love do it but I havent got to much time.

  9. I have been promoted with my football team twice. This is my biggest personal achievement. In the first season I scored 21 goals and in the second one I scored 7 goals. I was the captain of my team then. I played all the matches and I felt important. I'm still playing football in nervión. I'm a defender.

  10. I love this song.It remembers me when I got the second position in a karate competition on April last year.It was very important for me and it has been one of my biggest achiviment.I have done karate since I was 7 years old and I have gone to others competitions before.

  11. My biggest personal achievement so far has been to pass my final math exam last year.For me math is the most difficult subject and i studied a lot.
