Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year!


  1. I will study harder every day.
    I won´t watch TV for long hours every day.

  2. Hello, I'm Tomás.

    My new years resolution is that I will study harder.
    The best moment of 2015 for me was when I built my own gaming pc.

  3. I will study harder English, Natural Science, Maths and French.

    I won't lie.

  4. My New Year Resolutions:
    1.I will study every day.
    2.I will save money to buy things.
    3.I won´t wake up late school days.
    4.I won´t annoy my brother.

  5. I went to san Nicolas del Puerto on family

    I went to dance flamenco in a theatre in Sevilla

  6. My New Year resolutions:
    1. I will study every day
    2. I will save money to buy things
    3. I will help my parents every day
    4. I won´t bother my sister when she´s studing

  7. The best moment in 2015 is the day when my team and me won the final four of Seville.
    My New Year's resolutions:
    -I will improve my basketball shoot.
    -I will run every day.
    -I will help my parents every day

  8. My new year's resolutions are: I will do my homework every day and I will get better marks.

  9. - In 2015 , my favourite time is when my cousin was born . My sister and me we were very happy .
    - My new's year resolutions are :
    I want fight with my sister
    I will help my parents and grandparents every day
    I will study every day

  10. 2015 highlights:The first communion of my sister. Also,the trip to the amusement park of Tarragona called Portaventura.Finally Christmas Eve because I had dinner with my family. New year's resolutions: I will help my parents and my sister every day and study in the highschool.

  11. I went to the beach with my family, we went on holiday for five days. I loved that trip because I went with my family and we had fun.
