Monday, September 28, 2015

The bare necessities

“Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”
- Epicurus

 Do you think Baloo was an Epicurean? Think about it, share your ideas and comment.

Friday, September 25, 2015

In your shoes

"In your shoes" is the title of the eTwinning project we are about to launch. We will be working in collaboration with our dear friends from the French school Le Grand Champ in Pont-de-Chèruy with the main objective of trying to see a bit further than the end of our nose. Kindness, sympathy, generosity and tolerance are our goals. Hard or easy, how does it feel to be in someone else's shoes?"

Let's start by singing along Sarah Mclachlan


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Happy ...

 ... to be back with all of you. Let's celebrate singing along ...

There are always good reasons to feel happy. What are yours today?

And now, with a choreography. Fitness will help you feel even happier. Clap along!