
2019 - 2020 project: Singing History for Democracy


2018- 2019 projects:

In songs words fly / En las canciones la palabrabras vuelan
A project aimed at fostering critical thinking. With the history of music as a starting point and by means of listening and singing to songs, students learn to value the power of music and songs as a way of expression in every field of life and as a resource of freedom of speech.

eTwinning Grammar Pill Lab 
Focusing on English grammar, students will develop awareness about the most common mistakes or “illnesses” that afflict their performance and will try to find ways to overcome language learning problems with "magic pills".

2017-18 projects:
Christmas Letter exchange 2017

The Bookworm Company
This project aims at sharing our love for books and literature. Based on an adapted novel - classical is suggested - students share opinion and do activities throughout the school year. They publish activity pages, act out drama scenes, edit a common picture dictionary. They also make quizzes and games which will be connected to all the stories.

2016 -17 project: 

See it, hear it, touch it (2016-17) is a project focused on learning habits, methods and techniques in which the participating students, from France, Italy, Poland and Spain, work actively to make school and studying time more efficient. They base their research for the creation of customized material on this learning questionnaire.
By analysing the results, students get aware of common learning problems and come up with solutions, everything presented in infographics. This is one of the problems dramitised.

2015 -16 project: In your shoes

In your shoes, eTwinning project 2015-16. Libro virtual elaborado por estudiantes españoles y franceses orientado a la reflexión sobre temas de centrales para su crecimiento personal, al auto-conocimiento como vía de creación de actitudes solidarias.

eTwinning 2005 -2015

 Grabación del evento

A Spanish School eTwinning Booklet Recopilación de proyectos desarrollados hasta la fecha (abril 2015) en el IES Heliche y muestra de sus productos.

The story of Heliche eTwinners in Glogster

Proyectos eTwinning en secundaria en Photopeach

2014-15 project:  Meet my grandparents 

Meet my grandparents, eTwinning project 2014-15.  Entrevistas subtituladas en inglés de estudiantes de 3º de la ESO a sus abuelas. Muchas gracias a ellas por su amable colaboración en este trabajo que nos proporcionó a todos un aprendizaje excepcional.

2013 -14 project: Rice in Europe

European Quality Label for the project Rice in Europe.
Sello de Calidad nacional al proyecto Rice in Europe, desarrollado durante el curso 2013-2014 con alumnos de 2ºde ESO del IES Heliche.
Rice in Europe eBook
Rice in Europe Blog

2012 -13 project: Picture Yourself

European Quality Label for the project Picture Yourself!
Premio Nacional eTwinning 2013

Picture Yourself! website
Picture Yourself! in prezi

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