Friday, September 23, 2022

A singing start

 At the beginning of “Somewhere Only We Know” (Keane, 2004), the singer walks “across an empty land” and knows “the pathway like the back of my hand.” While listening, find your  way through the maze to read and understand the lyrics of the song while facing a series of challenges related to grammar and sentence structure along the way. 

(Activity retrieved from "On the same page" blog)

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Master your emotions: Minds and Hearts

Browse Minds and Hearts website to find information, guide and support for a better understanding of your emotions and how to manage them when you feel overwhelmed. (Click on the image)

                                     Brought to you by 2º Bachillerato A students

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Guide to the plants of Seville

 Have you noticed the variety of plants in our city?

Have a look at the guide that 1st year students have created for you to learn about them.

Guide to the Plants of Seville

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Weird sports

Are you a sporty person? Maybe you feel like trying a new one. In teams or individually you might enjoy some of these weird options: sepak takraw, cheese rolling, extreme ironing, chess boxing and much more.

Which one would you take up? Which one do you rule out at first glance? You can also get inspired and make up your own 😃
Submit comments with your ideas!

Monday, January 31, 2022

How can I say ...

In colloquial conversation, we often use expressions that can't be translated into another language  word for word. For example, while in Spanish I "me comería una vaca", in English "I could eat a horse". It's important to learn how to say this kind of slang expressions, so here I bring you a quizz with a practical collection of them. Do you know their English equivalent? Click on the picture to take the quizz.